Matlock & Matlock Bath Pedigrees & Coats of Arms> This page
Pedigree of Bown(e) of Matlock, descending from John and Troth
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This pedigree was initially drawn up to show how Phœbe Bown was related to Dame Sarah Paxton as it is thought that Sarah possibly paid for Phœbe's gravestone. Phœbe was impoverished at the time of her death. It also shows the relationship between the two women and the two James Bowns, father and son, who were clock makers of some note in Matlock and who also owned the Crown Inn. It also, hopefully, corrects slightly inaccurate information contained in some handwritten pedigrees that were drawn up in the early to mid nineteenth century.

The chart begins in the top left hand corner with John and Troth Boune and their two children Samuel and Mary and focuses the descendants of Samuel and his wife Rachel, nee Chadwick. It is based on evidence from documents, wills and other probate information, parish registers and census returns. Whilst there are earlier Bounes/Bown(e)s in Matlock, their information is not included here although links to information about them can be found below.


b - born
bap - baptised/christened
bur - buried
(lic) - licence, for marriage
m - married

 Further information about those named on this pedigree:

More on site information about the BOWN(E) family, not necessarily about this family group:

Documents Relating to Matlock & Matlock Bath :

Matlock & Matlock Bath : Lists Through the Centuries

The Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock
contain a number of references to the Bowns.

If you want to read copies all the wills that have been found go to:
Pre 1858 Wills Calendar for more info (Matlock Wills only)
Places to find & obtain these wills

Image and Bown pedigree created, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
Written and researched by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.