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Vills & Freeholders of the Wirksworth Hundred of Derbyshire, 1633
(From an article by S.O. Addy, in Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, Vol 6, 1884, p.49ff.)

The list was transcribed from a manuscript and is possibly a list of potential Jurors. Only the Matlock names appear here.

There are some Latin abbreviations in the margins:
- alloc, or alloc bre : may be allocationis breve, a writ or certificate of excuse.
- p'cator : may be procurator
- mil' terr' (militaris terra) : land held by knight service
- generosus : gentleman, of noble birth
- mort/e : dead, deceased
- Armiger : gentleman, knight, entitled to bear arms

Freeholders, or free tenants, were those who held portions of the demesne lands, as opposed to land held in villenage

Surname First name Place Comment
WOODWARD, Anthony Matlocke  
COTTERELL, Anthony Matlocke  
FLYNTE, Thomas Matlocke generosus
BOWNE, Anthony Matlocke  
LUDLAM, William Matlocke [erased] alloc.
WOOLLEY, Adam Matlocke alloc bre. J.C.
BOWNE, George Matlocke  
WOOLLEY, William Matlocke [erased] Pr p. [per procuratorem?]
Matlock Glebe Terrier, 1673

- Glebe.
A portion of land assigned to a clergyman as part of his benefice. ME. [Middle English]
(Definition from the Shorter Oxford Dictionary)
- Terrier.
Old English Law. A land survey setting forth in detail the number of acres, names of tenants, etc. in a given district; as the terrier of glebe lands, list of tenants.
(Definition from The New Standard Dictionary of the English Language)

Townsend Close. 4a.

The Fflates 8a.

Parcel in Torr Field ½a.

Parcel in Starkholmes Piece 2a. (Two parcels)

Close at Ryber called Batemans Close 5a

Two parcels at Ryber called Town Lows 3a under or over.

One croft belonging to a small Tenement at Ryber ½a.

Parcel in Deepcarre lying in possession of John COCKING, pays 2/6 p.a. area unknown.

Parcel in lands of John COCKING, pays 1/8 p.a. but in what close it lyeth or how much in measure not known.

Parcel in land of John BOWNE de Lyntree, pays 1/- p.a. but in what close it lyeth or how much in measure not known.

Parcel in lands of Adam WOLLEY, pays 6d p.a. but in what close it lyeth or how much in measure not known.

John CHAPPELL; Rector.[2]

Lists Containing Five or Less Names
1. Derbyshire Visitation, 1611
The Visitation was conducted by Richard St. George Norrey and there are copies in the libraries of Queens College, Oxford, Caius College, Cambridge and the British Museum.[3]

1611 - Wirksworth Hd.
Usurprs. Mr. COLUMBELL of Motlock.
fo. 7
The names of those that were disclaimed

Tho. FLINT of Motlock.
2. Religion Under the Commonwealth
The Wirksworth Classis met once a month, meeting at Wirksworth on all but three occasions. Subjects ranged from administering the Lord's Supper to non-parishioners, examining potential candidates for ordination and fixing a monthly 'Fast', which was sometimes a monthly lecture. These were held twice at Matlock during this period. Mr Shelmerdine (Crich and Matlock) acted as Moderator sixteen times.

The minutes of the first two and last two meetings of the Wirksworth Classis, as recorded in their minute book:[4]

These present att the Classicall meeting the said 16th day of December, 1651 ...
Mr Tho : Shelmerdine
These pnte at the Classicall meeting the said 20th day of Januarie, 1651 ...
[old calendar i.e 1651/2]

Mr Tho : Shelmerdine
These p'sent at the Classicall meeting the said 16 of November, 1658 ...
Mr Tho : Shelmerdine
These p'sent at the Claasicall meeting the said 17 day of November, 1658 ...
Mr Tho : Shelmerdine
3. The Conventicle Acts
The Conventicle Act (1670) prohibited conventicles - meetings of dissenters from the established church.

Amongst the 15 Grand Jury of the Mich. Sessions, 1682, dealing with the 'neglects of several Petty Constables in not p'senting Conventicles and absenters from the church', were:

William COCKAINE, gen. of Matlock
Robert NEWTON, gen. of Matlock[4]

The extracts above are taken from:

[1] Contributed by Sonia W Addis-Smith.

[2] List is from information shared from the Mike Spencer collection.

[3] From the article 'A Derbyshire Visitation manuscript, 1687' by The Rev Henry Lawrence M.A., in the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, Vol. 32, 1910, pp.46-51. Researched and transcribed by Ann Andrews, Jan 2000

[4] From: "Three Centuries of Derbyshire Annals, an Illustrated by Charles J. Cox, LL.D., F.S.A Vol I. (1890) pub. London:Bemrose and Sons, 23 Old Bailey; and Derby (pp.332-4). Researched and transcribed by Ann Andrews, Jan 2000.

Unless the section specifies a contributor, material has been extracted by Ann Andrews. Other contributors, copyright holders, etc. are to be found under the relevant section. With my very grateful thanks to everyone who has contributed or given permission to reproduce their material.