Bown (1771 - 1854) |
People who lived in the Matlocks
: Photographs, Postcards, Engravings & Etchings |
Image of Phbe Bown and an article that was published in "The
Reliquary" of 1861-2 and is reproduced below.
She was one of Matlock's more
unusual characters who stood out from the crowd and the piece
was written not long after her death.
This page now includes further information about
the article, which has been found to contain inaccuracies.
It is not true that Phbe built the present Dale Cottage as it was built
by Dr. William Chinnery.
Phbe was not born when Cliff House was erected so she could not
have built it. Cliff House was not mentioned by visitors who saw Phbe
and her mother between 1804 and 1812, but one of them discussed what
she had built - i.e. a room for her harpsichord.
An extract by the web mistress from
"The Reliquary, Quarterly Journal and Review Vol. II, 1861-2"
Ed. Llewellynn Jewitt, F.S.A.
Published London: John Russell Smith, 36 Soho Square Derby : Bemrose
& Sons, Irongate |
PHŒBE BOWN was a person of some note in her
day. She lived nearly opposite to the High Tor at Matlock ; and
strangers who to came to gaze fit the magnificence of that renowned
rock, seldom failed to visit the cottage, and smile or wonder
at the oddity of Phbe. Her character is an instance of ill-directed
and imperfectly developed powers. We see sometimes how a plant,
having considerable strength of root, but growing under unfavourable
circumstances, pushes itself into sunshine and notice, but without
symmetry and beauty, and indicates, by its misshapen luxuriance,
what it might have been with cultivation and care. Phbe was
a human plant which grew under somewhat similar influences, with
somewhat similar results. She was gifted with a strong mind and
some genius. These curbed and well directed might have made a
character of excellence and usefulness ; uncurbed and untaught,
they resulted in eccentricity. Her great desire was for notoriety,
and her eccentricity probably brought her into more notice than
her talents, however cultivated, would, or could have done. For
one effect of growth in knowledge, is self depreciation and modesty;
according to the well known symbol of the ears of corn, which,
when young and empty, hold themselves high in air ; but when ripe
and full, bend low. Many persons, too, are pleased with eccentricity.
The mind, to appreciate ability, must itself be able ; but all
have talent enough to laugh at oddity. Therefore it is scarcely
doubtful, whether Phbe
the educated, even with more genius than she possessed, would have
drawn to her cottage as many wondering visitors as Phbe
the eccentric drew.
She lived with her mother, who was very proud of her, in Matlock
Dale, in a cottage on the site of the present "Dale
Cottage," [see more information below, AA] built above
forty years ago, by W. Chinnery, Esq.. It consisted of one room
on the ground floor; but when a lady presented her with a harpsichord,
she added - partly by the labour of her own hands, for among her
other oddities she had a fancy for carpentry and masonry - another
room to hold it, Phbe's tastes appear to have been all masculine.
She had some skill in music, having learned the elements of it
from a travelling harper ; but she did not play on the harpsichord.
Her instruments were the manly flute and violoncello ; both, but
especially the latter, rather awkward subjects for female handling.
She could, however, take a part in a quartet, and she was occasionally
called upon by visitors to do so. Her execution, we may suppose,
was not very artistic, and whether her taste were very refined
may be doubted ; for, on one occasion, a gentleman haying played
a simple air upon the flute, she took it out of his hands, telling
him that she understood the instrument better than he, and produced
from it some notes remarkable only for their loudness. Phbe doubtless
was sincere when she preferred her own performance, for the pleasure
received from art is not in proportion to the excellence of what
is heard or seen, but to the educated capacity and power of appreciation
of the hearer or beholder.
In order to be as unlike to a female as
possible, Phbe adopted the most extraordinary habits. In
addition to the work of a mason and carpenter, she mowed and reaped,
was hostler, farrier, groom and horsebreaker. She was said to be
one of the best judges of the qualities of a horse in the county,
and wagers respecting horses were often decided by her opinion.
Her dress consisted generally of a man's woollen coat, a petticoat,
several handkerchiefs on her head, tied under the chin, and a man's
hat over all. She had great vanity, and liked attention. Proud
of her peculiarities, and tenacious of her independence, she yet
did not scruple to receive money from her visitors. Her bluntness
to those whom she disliked was very offensive. Her attentions,
to those whom she took a fancy for, were often equally obtrusive.
She pretended to be an excellent judge of character. Her conversation,
when pleased, denoted observation and reflection. On one occasion,
as related in Mrs. Robert's " Sketches of Youth,"[1] from
which these particulars are borrowed, she was found with the remains
of her dinner on the table, reclining on a wooden bench against
the wall. She did not deign to rise from this position till she
had formed her opinion of her visitors. Having received a favourable
impression of them, she began to talk, accounting, but not apologising,
for her impoliteness, by remarking that she had returned from the
hayfield, and having taken dinner, was resting, She alluded to
the amusements of the place, and spoke with acrimony and bitterness
of the behaviour of some families in the neighbourhood ; quoted
from Locke, and talked of Lord Chesterfield and his son, using,
with reference to the latter, and to his
father's endeavours to make him a fine gentleman, the expression, " whitewash
a red brick as much as you will, it is a red brick still, and at
times will show itself to he one," Music having been mentioned,
she washed her hands at a mountain stream,
and introduced her visitors to the apartment containing her harpsichord.
Notwithstanding her boasted
penetration, she betrayed great simpleness. A lady from Liverpool
had jestingly given her an invitation to her house, not expecting,
doubtless, that it would be accepted. But Phbe took it in earnest,
travelled on horseback to her inviter's home, and threw the lady
into some embarrassment as to how she should dispose of her strange
guest. Phbe, however, was made a sort of show of, and although
the season was winter, walked all the way home. It is hardly necessary
to remark, that Phbe Bown never changed her name. When her hands
could no longer handle the trowel or the spade, she became very
poor. Her judgment failed, her opinion was unsought, her music
was untuned, and her only visitors were friends who came to minister
to her wants. She lost not, however, the use of her tongue, and
having lived to an advanced age, Phbe and her peculiarities passed
away together. JOHN ALLEN[2].
In addition to the foregoing notice of one of
the most remarkable characters of the modern days of Derbyshire,
I cannot resist the temptation of giving the following little notices
and anecdotes of Phbe, which among many others I have collected
together. My father knew her well, and was always a welcome visitor
whenever he called upon her, and I have heard him relate many characteristic
anecdotes connected with Phbe's occupations and opinions. He
had perhaps as good an opportunity as anyone of noticing and forming
an opinion of her character, and a deeper or more shrewd observer
of nature than himself never existed; and it is pleasing to be
able to say, that the opinion be formed was a very high one, and
that I have heard him say that be never observed anything in her
conversation or manners that was at variance with a right and proper
principle. She was rough, rude, uncouth, eccentric, and masculine,
but she knew what was right, and in her rough way abided by it.
She was occasionally spoken rudely to and insulted in her loneliness
by those who ought to have known better, but her assailants, whether
singly or in numbers, always were worsted, either by tongue or
by sheer force ; and many a strong rough country fellow has received
a sound drubbing at her hands in return for some insult offered
her. A friend who remembers her well says in a letter to me - " I
remember Phbe, but it is thirty-two, or thirty-three years ago.
She was a strong looking, and I should say, when young, a comely
woman. She wore a man's hat and coat - played (as I fancied) respectably
on the flute - was a little eccentric, or perhaps, we may say, slightly
cracked. She had great faith in omens and predictions - charms and
starry influences. A great feature in her character, was an impression
that people had a desire to rob and murder her, she accordingly
always carried arms ; and had a number of them of all kinds ranged
on the
walls. She was capricious and suspicious, and some people
were afraid of her. I must have been a favourite, for there
being great popular discontent at the time, with threats of riots
and uprisings, she came to our house on Temple Walk, and brought
a couple of scythe blades, set in wooden handles, and as sharp
as razors; and I remember I durst not refuse them, but took them
and swore I would defend myself to the last."
The following obituary notice of Phbe Bown appeared in one of
the local papers the week following her death, which occurred in
" Those who were in the habit of visiting
Matlock from 10 to 40 years since, will not fail to remember
this singular and eccentric individual, who, for more than half
a century, was considered one of the curiosities of the neighbourhood.
Phbe in her younger days, possessed considerable personal attractions,
albeit her appearance was something approaching to the masculine,
and this was heightened by the singularity of her dress, which
consisted of a sort of compromise between male and female attire.
Her parents were of the working class, and she received the kind
of education afforded in remote districts eighty years ago ;
but not content with this, by application and diligence, made
herself acquainted with the usual round of English literature
of the period, and our correspondent has, within a few years,
heard her quote correctly, from memory, lengthy passages from
Milton, Shakespeare, and Pope. She had a great predilection for
out-of-door employments, and on the decease of her parents, succeeding
to a little property, she commenced farming on a small scale,
working with her own hands, and was considered by her neighbours
a good agriculturist, and an excellent breeder of cattle. She
also turned her attention to architecture, and a commodious and
romantically situated edifice in Matlock Dale, known as Cliff-house,
was chiefly designed, and the erection superintended by her [see more information below, AA]. Passionately
fond of music, she, with very meagre means of instruction, successively
mastered the difficulties of the flute, violoncello, and harpsichord,
and for some years led the choir in Matlock Church. She took
particular delight in horses, was a clever, graceful, and skilful
rider, and at one time was much employed in breaking horses for
ladies' riding. The emoluments derived from this source, together
with her musical talents, afforded a comfortable maintenance
for many years ; but with advancing age her health declined,
her faculties in some degree forsook her, her little property
became alienated, and in her latter years, old Phbe, whose
mind was wavering and unstable, became poor and nearly houseless.
At this period, a generous and kind nobleman,* who had known
the old woman in her more prosperous days, stopped between her
and want, and a weekly pension for the last few years of her
life provided her with numberless little but necessary comforts,
and enabled her to pass her last days in comparatively easy circumstances.
Phbe had always a positive mania for warlike weapons, and was
constantly manufacturing frightful looking spears, bayonets,
and swords, out of any pieces of steel she could lay hold of;
and at one time every hole and corner in her house served as
a place of concealment for some ugly-looking musket, fowling-piece,
dagger, or cutlass ; but with all those formidable articles at
hand, she was perfectly harmless, unless when roused and irritated
by ill-usage, when - as she once or twice proved - it was not
quite safe for her assailant to remain long in her proximity."
following quaint epitaph on Phbe Bown, was written at her request
by the Rev. Mr. Gaunt, Curate of Matlock, and is said to have pleased
her greatly -
" Here lies romantic Phbe,
Half Ganymede and half Hebe ;
A maid of mutable condition,
A Jockey, cow herd, and Musician.[4] "
The Portrait of Phbe Bown, which heads this article, is taken
from an original sketch, and shows her in her "best array" with
her favourite companion, the flute. Her features and peculiar dress
will be well recognised by the "old inhabitants"
of the place, who knew her, and were in the habit of seeing her "at
home." LL. JEWITT.
* The late Duke of Devonshire, who allowed her for
life, an annuity of five shillings per week, which was, through the
hands of her relative, Lady Paxton, paid to her to the time of her
death, by Mr. Chinnery.
[End of the article] |
More information and comments on the above article |
Over the years several myths have come to surround the story of Phbe
Bown, not helped in part by some errors in the "Reliquary" article
reproduced above and a premature obituary notice published in 1846.
Below is an attempt to correct some of them and say more about what
is known about Phbe.
The Notes
and References at the bottom of the page expand on some of the
information in this section.
- Parentage and home
Phbe's parents, Samuel and Phbe (nee Mather) Bown, lived
in Matlock Wood or Common Wood in Matlock Dale[5].
In his Will of 1797 Samuel Bown left his daughter a "Close
called the allotment with the shop and stable standing thereon" which
she was to receive after his wife's death; in 1811 her mother
left her the "messuage home or tenement wherein I now
dwell and the garden and that other building commonly called
the Pig-Cote all the same being copyhold and in my possession[6]".
The family home was on this land until 1827[7],
when Phbe sold it to Colonel Payne and he built Tor Cottage,
later the
High Tor Hotel/Guest House[8].
John Allen was not correct when he said their home was on the
site of Dale Cottage; he unfortunately identified the wrong property. "The
Bowns' house is shown on a number of contemporary prints including
the view of High Tor shown in Chantrey's "Peak
Scenery" in which the roof of the house is to be seen;
the building also appears clearly in other prints. Colin Goodwyn,
the authority on Tor Cottage, has stated that "As far as I can
work it out from the Award, it would probably have been sited
immediately south of the main hotel building, about on the old
turning place/sundial area, on the ridge just opposite the
suspension bridge".[9]
Another version of Chantrey's
drawing is on the British Museum web site (external
link so will open in a new window). Then click on "Back to object
If the link doesn't work, click on the title of the image on
the page or 'Search
the collection database' and type in High Tor.
Also see High
Torr, 1751,
which also shows the Bown home.
- References to Phoebe in early 19th century publications
and other material
Phbe is said to have built a room for her harpsichord
and such an extension was added
to her parents' home, something noted by Mrs. Roberts after a
visit she described that had taken place in 1804[1].
"Mr. Falkland
addressed her on the subject of music. She immediately
rose from her seat, and going to a bason of water, hewn
out of the rock from which it gushed by the side of the
house, washed her hands, and then desired him to go with
her into the next room to try a harpsichord which a lady
had sent her as a present. She did not play upon it ;
but she said ladies frequently came from the hotel to
play and sing to her. She produced her violoncello and
flute, and spoke upon each as if they were tolerably
well acquainted with the theory of music ..."
(Transcribed from Mrs. Roberts, p.203[1])
When asked by Mrs. Sydney after their final visit what
the two daughters thought of Phoebe, one of them responded
with the comment "... though
I might like to possess extraordinary talents, and to be
admired, and noticed and talked of, I should not like to
be paid, as she is, for being a wonder".
(Transcribed from Mrs. Roberts, p.211-2[1]). |
Neither Mrs. Roberts[1] nor
John Hutchinson (below)[10] refer
to her having designed and built Cliff House. If she had done
so, these descriptions of her as a young woman would undoubtedly
have been included that information. Her mother was exceedingly
proud of Phoebe, and she would undoubtedly have mentioned it
to their visitors.
- Philip Gell of Hopton wrote a somewhat blunt, but probably
accurate, description of Phbe and her family in a letter
dated 13 Apr 1817. This was in response to a piece published
in "Hutchinson's
Romantic Beauties of Matlock" (1810)[10] which
Gell believed to have been very much exaggerated. Gell continued: "Phbe
Bown is still living, and as mad as ever, for such is really
the fact. Many of her family have destroyed themselves".
Although he described her as large, he observed that others
were larger than her. One can only assume that he meant other
women were bigger in overall size than Phbe. He went on
to say that "her
voice could never be mistaken for a man, but from a rough and
vulgar habit of swearing and talking obscenity". He
added that he had never seen her breaking horses or shooting,
although at that time she did carry pistols for protection. Nor
had he heard of any feats of strength. He also observed that,
although she wore a man's felt hat, her dress was that of a woman[11].
Indeed, she is wearing women's clothing in the sketch, above.
By his own admission Hutchinson only had a very brief encounter
with Phbe Bown: "the author, unfortunately, will
only be able to give an account of what came within his knowledge,
during a very short stay in her cottage, one Sunday morning"[10].
He does not mention skills as a builder later attributed to her
nor record anything about her step being more manlier than a man's
and her ability to cover 40 miles in a day.
"On knocking at the door, a
female, of age of thirty or upwards, made her appearance,
dressed in a man's grey coat, with her hair twisted in
twenty thousand curls; however, in too many to be counted in
any moderate time, and which, when in full dress, she
displays in most bewitching ringlets. Her general appearance
was masculine, and the principal conversation turned to
subjects of that kind. As to love, she at first candidly
declared, she had seen so much of the intrigues of the
world, that she was almost ready to despair, not having
yet gained sufficient money to buy herself a husband ;
for she considered marriage merely as a barter and sale.
Yet, after all, on being close questioned, she admitted
that some Damon might yet be happy with her hand. Amongst
her other attainments it appeared that she could ride or
break a horse, with the first jockey at Newmarket, or the
boldest rider in the country ; pass her opinion on the
value of the animal, with as much judgment as a dealer
; cold shoot at target, with as much skill as a sharp-shooter
; and if a ruffian dared attack her, which has been the
case, would pretty sharply learn him her pugilistic skill.
Nay, if a lady, unprotected by her beau, should have occasion
to pass through the Dale in the evening's shade, no danger
need be apprehended, if Miss Phoebe
were her companion. She also possesses a great knowledge
of music, the "Yellow hair'd laddie", and other
favourite airs were amongst her performances. The Methodists,
she swore, had borrowed her sacred music, but
though on a Sunday, she was not so firm a convert to
their persuasion, as to deny herself a lively tune. Religion,
or Methodism at least, did not appear to have entered
very far into Miss Phoebe's mind, whatever may be the
cardinal virtues of her heart. ... [a short piece
about a Methodist's preacher in the area has been excluded] In
one word, Miss Phoebe Bown is certainly one of the most
singular and eccentric characters of the age ; well educated,
speaks with uncommon judgment and propriety,
(except now and then a little slip, as before mentioned)
and would, if introduced, make a figure in he great world.
- It is proper to add, that the company on visiting her,
generally make a small compliment, though she does not
seem to wish for it".
(This transcribed part extract is from Hutchinson,
1810, pp.26-29)[10] |
One can only wonder if Phbe, faced with an author who had arrived
on her doorstep unannounced, decided to elaborate her skills!
- The 1840s - her state of mind, a premature epitaph and an
allegation that she designed/built Cliff House
In 1843 she was reported to be living in sadly reduced circumstances,
chargeable to the parish and living in a poor cottage in Matlock[12] -
at the end of the Hall Leys, according to another source[13].
At the time she was obsessed with thinking she would die on 4
May and had made herself a set of grave clothes in anticipation[12].
She did eventually die in the month of May, but not on the 4th[14].
The epitaph written by Rev. Gaunt and quoted by Mr. Jewitt, may
have pleased Phbe
when she was alive, but it was not carved on the headstone
of her grave[4]. To
be fair to Jewitt, he does not say that it appears on her
headstone, just that it was written.
- In 1846 one journalist told a story about
how, at one time,
Phbe thought that her mother was a Jewess and then added
that "this
and other wild tales, indicative of a diseased imagination, the
poor old creature is in the continual habit of telling"[13].
Not kind words to write about an elderly lady who was still living
in the parish. The same journalist then went on to say that he
had just learned that she had planned and supervised the
building of Cliff House. This seems to be the first time any
involvement with building that property had been mentioned; no
source was provided to back it up, so it should
be regarded as yet another allegation (see the references to
Mrs. Roberts and John Hutchinson above). Nevertheless, the story
has been repeated and repeated and it is quite possible that
Mr. Jewitt had a copy of the article and took it at face value.
- William Adam, considered to be a reliable source on Matlock
Bath's history, does not mention Phbe in "Gem
of the Peak"
(1840) but
describes Cliff House as an old house[15].
Nor is she mentioned in Bryan's "History" (1903)
although he published a pedigree of the Leacroft family who lived
at the property for a long time[16].
- After her death
Finally, Phbe's link to Cliff House was somewhat different
from the claim in the 1854 obituary quoted above[3].
Phbe could not have built the property, which is believed
to have been erected about 1765[17],
as she hadn't been born. Over 40 years after her death, in 1897,
Reverend Leacroft recounted the story of how she had been "left
in charge of the house where Captain Leacroft lived at the Cliff,
when he went to the war. Phbe attended to her duties, but
did not forget a barrel of beer that was left in the cellar (Laughter)
So 43 years after she died she was still being made fun of, even
if it was not meant to be unkind.
Image and article from the book collection of, provided by and © Ann
Other information researched
and written by Ann Andrews,
with additional material (added Dec 2012) from Colin Goodwyn.
Intended for personal use only.
Notes and References
(coloured links are to transcripts or more information elsewhere
on this web site):
[1] Roberts, Mrs. (1812) "Rose
and Emily ; or Sketches of Youth". London: Printed for
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown Paternoster Row ; and
John Harris, St. Paul's Churchyard. Note that the date this
book was published was two years after that of Mr. Hutchinson
(see [10] below), although the visits
had taken place in 1804. A lengthy section of the book (pp.196-216)
tells the story of a Mrs. Sydney and her two daughters visiting
Phoebe Bowne and her mother on several occasions. They had previously
seen Phoebe repairing a stone wall at the cottage. Mrs. Bowne
told their visitors that whilst her husband had built their cottage,
telling them also that Phoebe was an architect. It transpired
that Phoebe had built the room where the harpsichord was and
had improved the cottage. Mrs. Roberts deduced that her mother
presumably thought she had done better than her husband, a mere
builder, and had concluded that Phoebe was an architect.
[2] John Allen had been a schoolmaster
in Bonsall before moving to Matlock. He was also a well know local
poet in his day. See, for example, his entry in Pigot's
1828-9 Directory when living in Bonsall. He moved to Matlock
Bath shortly before the
1851 census and was also listed in the
1861 census. He was buried at Matlock Bath Church - See
his MI. Allen was not correct when he said the site of the
present Dale Cottage had been the Bown's home.
[3] The newspaper obituary notice quoted
by Jewitt was published in "The Derby Mercury" on
Wednesday, May 24, 1854. It was originally thought that the writer
is could have been Benjamin
Bryan, snr, but is now believed to be unlikely and seems to be
based on the article published in 1846[13].
The obituary is incorrect in stating that Phbe built Cliff
House. It simply would not have been possible for her to have constructed
the property.
[4] The epitaph
quoted above by Jewitt, and composed by the curate of Matlock,
Rev. M. Gaunt, is not on Phbe Bown's gravestone in Matlock
Churchyard. It was written before she died. Unfortunately,
it is widely believed that it is inscribed on her memorial and
the information has been mentioned as "fact" in
several books about Matlock, including many editions of the Ward
Lock Guides. Her MI is now on this site, with photograph. Go
MI's, St. Giles' Church, Matlock:
in the Churchyard, areas N - R
[5] See her parents' marriage in the Matlock
Parish Church Marriages B and Phbe's
baptism record.
[6] Extracted from a transcript provided
by William Johnson. Also see Matlock & Matlock
Bath Wills: Before 1858.
[7] Phbe's Christian name appears
in the 1827 version of Barker's "Panorama
of Matlock" (scroll down to page 19). She was still
living in Matlock Dale at that time, some seven years after Dr.
Chinnery had built Dale Cottage, but her home was about to be
demolished to make way for Tor Cottage (later the High Tor Hotel/Guest
House). Her name is also included in the 1829 volume, although
it could mean that the information in his later volume had not
been updated.
[8] "Plot 324 consisted of 20 perches,
allocated in Matlock Enclosure Award of 1874 to Thomas Brentnall,
and the adjacent plot 323a was of 10 perches, which was awarded
to Samuel Bown. Brentnall sold his plot to Samuel Bown on 2 February
1790. The plots are shown on the Award map. This whole area
was known as Common Wood and was part of Matlock common land being
enclosed by that Act" - from CG.
[9] With very grateful thanks to Colin
Goodwyn for his help with this. He mentions the image in Chantrey's "Peak
Scenery or Views in Derbyshire" (1889), a
version of which is now on this web site. This book
was reprinted in 1974.
[10] Hutchinson, John (1810), "Romantic
Beauties of Matlock", pub. M. Wardle, Manchester, page
25. John Hutchinson was of Chapel en le Frith.
[11] Philip Gell's letter was quoted in
the "Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald",
5 Sept 1874.
[12] "The Derby
26 April, 1843.
[13] "Derbyshire Advertiser and
Journal", 4 March 1846. Memoir of Phoebe Bown. This
now seems to be the earliest reference to her supposed involvement
in building Cliff House. Bizarrely, the article begins with the
statement that "the
decease of this singular woman was some time since announced
in public print." So her death was said to have been announced
some eight years before it actually happened. Lower down the
same article the journalist admits the death must have been reported
in error! "... the old dame still lives... in wretchedly
reduced circumstances and almost forgotten, except by her immediate
The journalist same also quoted from a book published "some
fifty years ago by the Derbyshire historian Hutton" which
has not been located/verified. There is nothing about her
in Hutton's 1817 rewritten version of his "History of Derby".
One can only conclude that this article resulted in a number
of untrue allegations about Phoebe being passed down to the
present day.
[14] See Phbe's
[15] Adam, William (1840) "The
Gem of the Peak", London; Longman & Co., Paternoster
Row. See the onsite transcript, specifically the section about The
north entrance to Matlock Dale.
[16] Bryan, Benjamin (1903) "History
of Matlock - Matlock, Manor and Parish", London by Bemrose & Sons,
Limited. The Pedigree of Leacroft,
mentioned above, is on the site. He mentions the builders of
other large properties, but not who built Cliff House.
Bryan was the son of the cavern guide Benjamin Bryan,
whose first wife was a Bown. Whilst I have not gone further
back than three generations to trace Mary Bown's ancestry,
no obvious link has been found between the families so far.
Benjamin senior is referred to in reference [3].
[17] See the date for Cliff House amongst British
Listed Buildings. External link, so will open in a new tab
or window. This may not quite be accurate, but is an indication
that the "old" house identified by Adam was built
before the family of Thomas Leacroft moved in ca.1797-8.
[18] "Derbyshire
Times and Chesterfield Herald", 17 Nov 1897. Also see Pedigree
of Leacroft. The war that Thomas Leacroft is supposed to have
fought in is not known.
Additional Links: Phbe and her relatives
: Was this Phbe?
Census - Phbe was living on Matlock Green. Her age was
Census - she was still on Matlock Green.
Biographies: see BOWN.
surname listed in the Wolley Manuscripts.
Lady Paxton was born in Matlock on 14 Jan 1800 and baptised in
baptism - see Sarah BOWN.
P has a little more information.