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A selection of photographs, prints and postcards. Some have personal or family connections
Chatsworth House, 1887
Chatsworth House, 1887 photograph

The sixteenth edition of "Black's Guide" was published the year after this photograph was taken. The following extracts have been transcribed from the guide.

"CHATSWORTH PARK extends over a space of upwards of eleven miles in circumference, and is richly varied in the scenery — the mountainous heights covered with forest trees of magnificent growth, the valley watered by the river Derwent and the small tributary streams, the gently-swelling eminence, the carpet-like lawn, the elegant parterres, the quiet secluded nook, and the palatial terrace — are all to be found amongst its attractions. The river Derwent divides the park into two almost equal portions — the gardens and house being situated on the eastern division, and the beautiful little village of Edensor on the western skirting of the park. Many delightful views occur in the park, particularly on the way to Rowsley, which is by road almost parallel to the Derwent. Visitors enter the park by the lodges at Edensor ; Edensor Mill by Beeley Bridge, and at Baslow ; and there is a private lodge at Beeley".

"CHATSWORTH HOUSE exterior presents a simple yet magnificent western façade. The base is rusticated ; on this rests a series of finely proportioned Ionic fluted pillars and pilasters, supporting a sculptured frieze, and in the centre, a pediment bearing in its tympanum the Cavendish Arms, beautifully sculpted by the celebrated Samuel Watson, who, in conjunction with Lobb and Davies, supplied the major part of the carvings about Chatsworth. The elegant open balustrade which surmounts the frieze bears at intervals statues, urns and vases. An extensive northern wing has been added from the designs of Sir Jeffrey Wyatville, and of the most chaste character ; it is an addition truly worthy of the mansion, but differs from it in style, being a compound of Corinthian, Doric, and Ionic architecture. Like the mansion, which it equals in height, the temple at the end of the wing is surmounted by an open balustrade, at the corners of which are elegant vases".

"As the hour of eleven arrives, there are generally several parties outside the richly gilded gates of wrought iron, waiting for the time of admission".

We can just make out the Hunting Tower, amongst the trees high on the hill above the house. Black described it as "one of the most prominent objects in the landscape". The square building is 90 feet high and there are circular towers at each corner.

1. "Chatsworth House". Published by J. V. [Valentine], in 1887. No.7038. This is an albumen photo on board, with images on both sides. It would have been published in a book of photographs.
Image in the collection of, and transcripts provided by, and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.


[1] "Black's Tourist Guide to Derbyshire" (16th edtn., 1888) pub. Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh.

Also see, elsewhere on this web site:
Chatsworth, Kelly's 1891 Directory.
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills

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From the Vernon Lamb Archive (1911-14)

VLA4998, Chatsworth House

VLA5113, Chatsworth House

A house in Edensor

Old Derbyshire Maps:
Chatsworth and Vicinity, 1864