is a "hold to light card", so it has holes punched
through the thin outer film of the picture to reveal the semi-transparent
base card underneath. When you hold the card up to the light
it creates an illusion of illumination.
On this card the holes
through have been chosen to show lighted windows, street
lamps and the moon, thus creating an impression of a scene
by moonlight. So here we see the windows of the Royal Hotel,
the Royal Pavilion (the Palais Royal from 1923 onwards) and
the main building of Matlock Bath's Switchback Railway, as
well as various houses and even the church, all illuminated.
What makes the card of significant interest is a small
detail that provides us with a rare view of the area
below the main building of the Switchback Railway. Suggestions
have been made, on occasion, that the rail at the end of
the railway track went down and the cars were then raised
back up by some kind of lift or hoist. Whilst the enlargement
below isn't the clearest of images it nevertheless shows
there are no tracks beneath the building for a lift to connect
Other photographs on this web site show photographs
of the inside of the Switchback's main building.
The publication date is uncertain as it is difficult to
see how much landscaping there had been in the Derwent Garden's
grounds but some of the seats facing the river that we see
in other pictures were in place. See, for example, Matlock
Bath: Derwent Gardens, before 1909. The Café had
not been built but the stairs down into the gardens from
the Swichback had been added to the main structure.