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Matlock & Matlock Bath : Lists Through the Centuries
Gifts & Aid to the King, Fines, Licences, Taxes, Land Owners, Hardship, School Charity, Police, Magistrates
The Nineteenth Century:
Arrivals at Matlock Bath, 1820-1850
Lists Through the Centuries
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Numbered amongst Matlock Bath's visitors before the advent of the railway were members of European Royal families and nobility, British politicians, academics, clergy, members of the British aristocracy and upper and middle classes of society. Below is a sample, extracted from the newspapers of the day. Sir Robert Peel, in 1835, had just finished his first term of office as Prime Minister. Earl Grey, an 1841 visitor, had also served as Prime Minister. Research shows that Dwarkanauth Tajore (newspaper spelling), described in 1842 as a Burmese Chief, one of the first Indian industrialists and entrepreneurs.

They would have stayed at The Old Bath | The New Bath | Bath Terrace | The Temple | Hodgkinsons (previously Varley's and Robinson's) and various boarding houses.

The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 7 June 1820
Amongst the distinguished Visitors of last week to the romantic Beauties of Matlock, was the Marquis Ginori, a nobleman of Florence ; also Count Itterburg, son of Gustavus-Adolphus, ex-King of Sweden, and Suite. The Grand Cavern - Heights of Abraham - and Mawe's splendid Museum of Mineralogy, were objects of their particular attention and admiration.
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 18 June 1828
Mr. Barton, of Trinity College, Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. J. Wylde, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Heyden, Mrs. S. Bourne, Capt. and Mrs. Hay, Rev. W. Clayton and party, Mrs. Fletcher and family, Mrs. Middleton, Miss A. Middleton, Mr. J. Watson, Mr. S. Watson, jun., Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson, Mr. Charles James, Mr. and Mrs. Danby, Mr. Harrison and family, the Warden of Manchester and family, Mrs. Calvert, the Dean of Litchfield, and Mr. Chinn. Mr. Erskine, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson and family, Mrs. B. Guest, Mr. H. Levett, Mr. James Wycox, Mrs. H. Walker, Miss C. Walker, Master A. Walker, Rev. R. and Mrs. Pemberton, Mr. and Mrs. Noble, Mr. and Miss Stokes, Mr. and Miss Smiths, Rev. Edward and Mrs. Levett, Miss Kirk and Miss Cane, Mrs. Herbert and Miss Jackson and party, Mr. Jesselyn and Mr. J. Jesselyn, Mr. and Miss Storer, Mr. and Mrs. Lacey, Colonel and Mrs. Gladwin, Mr. Blake, Ner. and Miss Whittaker, Mr. Wilks, Rev. W. Medden, Mrs Medden; Mr. Smith and party, Mrs. Walker and Miss Gibson, Rev. H. J. Hastings and Mrs. Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. James and Mrs. Manifold, Mr. and 2 Miss Milnes, Mrs. Barrow, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Riche, &c. &c.
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 2 September 1835
MATLOCK BATH. - This romantic and picturesque Watering Place is at present quite crowded. During the past week the following distinguished characters have formed a part of the numerous visitors:- Lord Abinger, the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P., W. Yates Peel, Esq., M.P. for Tamworth, and Thomas Gladstone, M.P. for Leicester. Lord Abinger arrived on Saturday night, and remained at Mrs. Cumming's, the Old Bath, till Sunday noon, when his lordship proceeded on his journey. Sir Robert Peel called at Mr. Saxton's, the New Bath, on Thursday, on his way to Longshaw, the shooting seat of His Grace the Duke of Rutland. We understand the Right Hon. Bart received an express whilst at Longshawe, and left there early on Sunday morning for town; Mr. Gladstone arrived on Saturday night, and remained at Mr. Saxton's, the New Bath, till Friday.
Derbyshire Courier, 21 September 1839
Arrivals at Matlock Bath.
Marquis of Normanby, Earl and Countess of Morley, Lady Rivers, Lady Maria Mead, Sir George Anson and party, Major and Mrs. F. Westmea, Captain J. P. Horanden, Captain and Mrs. Alldick, Rev. A. C. Bromehead, Miss Wilks and party, Mr. and Mrs. Salmon, Messrs. Fairlie, C. M. Webster, W. Bennett, Arthur Hope, Whitint, S. Chapman, J. Coates, Barker, Grundy, Henry Waitman, Bell, Pritchard, Jackson, Prince, Cocker, Crewdsen and family, Harvey, Brown, Hobson and party, James Mottram, Kirby, W. Grundy, England, W. Parker, Kahrs, Withend, Cooper, and Knight, Miss Catherine Beauclerk, Mr. and Miss Mulgrove, Mr. and Miss Clay, Mr. Walsh and Miss Stokes, Miss Western and party, Nr., Mrs. and Miss Waugh, Miss Hatt, Miss Jameson, Mrs. Smith, Miss Coley, Mr. Bristow and party, Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Crompton, Mr. and the Misses Oldfield, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Lander, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Morroes, Mr. and Mrs. Calvert, Miss Thompson, Mr. and Miss Tagg, &c. &c.
Derbyshire Courier, 28 September 1839
Duc de Coupon, the Countess of Morley, and Lord and Lady Rivers and party, Sir James and Lady Lushington, and Miss Lushington, Major Leacroft, Capt. Wright and party, the Rev. H. N. Borrows, the Rev. M. Hatchard, Capt. and Mrs. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Gell, Horstman, Dawson, R. B. Smith, Richard Sale, Alfred King Harrison, Er Tertius, H. Chapman, Ryder and family, Wetheral, Sampson, Saunders and family, Sutton, Bridge, Pratt and family, Cooper, Fordham and family, Beloe, Nanson and Messrs. Ackys, W. Rayner, W. H. Stapleton, R. Slaney, Unwin, Richardson, Cross, Ryland, Deakin, Norris, Bridge, Burrows, R. Slator, Nixon, Bishop, Cavis, Simpson, Leichfield, Poyner, Cross, Goodwin, Adsets, Owen, G. Hankins, Pickslay, G. Smith, Troembow, Sanderson, E. Sanderson, River, Barker; Mrs. Jospiah B. Robinson, the Misses Robinson, Miss Cockin, Mrs. Reyner, Master Stanys, Mrs. G. March Phillips and family, Master Sale, Mr. and Miss Arden, Mr. and Mrs. G. Corke and family, Mr. Bovil and family, Mrs. F. and Miss Mills, Mrs W. Ryland, Mrs. T. H. Ryland, Mrs. Brasby, Miss Wright, Mrs. and Miss Squires and party, Mr. and the Misses Hulton and party, Miss Bridge, Mr. and the Misses Hall, Mr. Percy and son, the Rev. J. Smith, Mr. Strutt and party, the Misses Watheris, Mr. Ross and Party, Mr. and Miss Brown, &c. &c.
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 29 July 1840
Revs. G. Harris, H and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, A. F. Hartley, W. S. Hartley, S. Coates, R. B. Catland, Esq., R. Leigh, O. W. N. Stirling,_ Wells, _ Colledge. Mr. and Mrs. Birley and family, Brough and family, Hearley and family, Mr. Sharp and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vallance and family, Smith and family, Geffines and family, Glossop and family, Mr. Rayner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Swinnerton, Barker, Eggington, Fothergill, Court, Cadman, Davis, Macan, Mrs. Whyman and party, Mr. and Mrs. Mason, Mr. W. and Mrs. Mason and party, Mr. and Mrs. Manson, Dibdin, Penn, Mr. and Miss Oat, Mr. and Mrs. Marriage, W. Baker, Esq. and party, Mr. and Mrs. McClare and party, Mr. and Mrs. Humpston, Mr. Stodson and party, Mr. and Mrs. Littledale, Mr. and Miss Wilson, Mr. Van Renselain and party, Mr. and Mrs. Holland, Watson, Miss Pearson and party, Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead, Putton, Mrs. and Master Nettleship, Mr. and Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Clarke and party, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie and family, Messrs. Copley, Heywood, Schofield, Graham, Binge, Prith, Sykes, Reckitt, Chambers, J. Whyman, Jackson, Wright, Paget, Bather, Sharp, Hollins, Risto, Rawlings, J. Rawlings, Wittaker, Bridges, C. Bridges, Lince, R. Gardner, W. Earlfield, Brereton, Courtney, W. Penn, E. Clark, Turner, R. Inglis, Bouman, Wall, Fothergill, Drinsdale, Moseley, Prince, Feppy, Close,Griffin, Adam, Wepon, Sheldon, Smith, Woolley, Briscall, Turbute. Mrs. Kearney, Dunn, Hodgson, Sadler, Campbell, Hously, Mrs. W. McClure, Gilford, Hitchcock, Hervart, Wagstaff, Clarke, Murray, Broome, Row, Hall, Watson, Strover. Misses Dawson, Waller, Hambles', Smith, Callwills', A. Dixon, Hyndmans', Pagets', Patons', Ward, M. Lees, Edmonds', Cope, Thornley, Rawlings, Blake, Grove, Hyslop, Verrill, Smith, Moseley, Snell, Smyth, Hunter, Watson, Pidcock.
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 28 July 1841
Earl and Countess Grey, Lady Greville and Daughter, Lady Hotham, Lady Owen, Lady Exeter, The Venerable Archdeacon Shirley; Revs. Dr. Chatfield, T. L. Wheeler and Lady, S. Jackson and Lady, R. Moseley and Lady, _ Joanes, Lady and family, G. Woodyast and family, _ Hannan and family, F Hessey; Captains, J. B. Stay, R. N. Furlayn, R.N., and family; Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Siddon, Prickett, J. H. Dowling, Fox, Holroyd, Morris, Lawrence and family, Caley and family, W. Jackson and family, F. J. Ford, Meredith, E. Bingham. Tynehall and Daughter, Sikes, Phillips, Roberts, Bicknell, Mousley and Daughters, Lowe, Varah, Cateur, Allfree, Dobbs, W. Nicholson, F. Calder; Messrs. J. Barnes, S. W. Donic and party, Anderson, Carrington, Schunk and party, J. and J. A. Willink, Gaisford, Rawdon, Simpson and family, Aldwincle, Duforney, Ingram, Keal and family, Bedyrland, Carwardine, Arthington and Daughter, Footmon and Daughter, Ellwell, T. Johnson, Jalland, W. E. Jalland, Letnell, Wright, Welby and family, Prosser, Binger, Rowles, Underwood, Clayton, Cox, Bromley, Sturt, Sharp, B. Ward, J. Ward, G. Bird, Jepson, Corden, Harrison, Roberts, King, H. Birch, White, Akryon and Daughter, Bourne, F. Bannytine : Madms. Bannytine, Walker, Helen Walker, Bremstone, Money. Goodman, Young, Steel, Stockel, Boyle, Borgue, Culvernell, Ash, Bellamy, Birch, Harrison, Shaw, E. Shaw, E. and A. Nicholson.
Derbyshire Courier, 24 September 1842
Arrivals at Matlock Bath.-Dwarkanauth Tajore (a Burmese Chief) and party, the Hon. John Talbot, Rev. H. R. Crewe and family, Mr. Cooper, W. Burkit and family, R. Evans; Dr. J. Stoughten, W. Becket, M.P., W. T. Read, M.P., Capts. Kittley and Henderson and party, Mrs. Taylor and party, Mr. and Misses Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Lownds, Spear and family, Finlay, Lockwood, Benson, Mower Webb, Barmiss, A. Pearse, Gelder, Astly Holt, Nelson, Brown, Holiday, Lewis and family, C. Holdsworth and family, Green, Call, C. White, Cassin, Elvis, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Pullen and family, Mr. Copeman and daughters, Misses Greensmith, White, Elliott, Ellis, Potts, Robinson, Messrs. T. Smith, Dixon, Lowndes, T. Greensmith, Walters, L. Greensmith, Cook, L. Berkhamstead, G. Patmore, J. Ireland, S. Mott, Marshall, Barnes, Needham, Bains, Cooper, M. Agnew, E. Crossley, C. J. Cerack, C. Holderness, Sheild, C. Ibbotson, Burnet, Wood, Newman, Brixton, Martineau, T. Morros, T. Wilks, Hardcastle, Short, Vevers, Wood, Chadwick, Rodgers, Morland, &c. &c.
Derbyshire Courier, 12 August 1843
Arrivals at Matlock Bath.-Sir George and Lady Crewe and family. Sir Henry Fitzherbert and party, the High Sheriff, William Mundy, Esq., Archdeacon Burrow, Dr. and Mrs. Hardwick, Dr. Warburon and family, Captain Walker and party ; Revds. James Hawley and party, Thomas Quinty, J. B. Bourne and the Misses Bourne, H. Kirkland and Mrs. Kirkland, T. Best and Mrs. Best, A Paton and Mrs. Paton, George Capper, Mr. Brown and family, A. B. Turner and Mrs. Turner, H. Wolstenholme and Mrs. Wolstenholme; Mr and Mrs. Spry, J. Hicklin, Hudson, Murch and Mr. C. J. Murch, Wickey, C. Clefton, Spink, C. J. Minshull, J. B. Hambury, Mawill, Jas. Rolley, Holmes, Huntor, Williams, J. C. Wright, Woodhead, E. Davis, Britner, Turner and Miss Turner, Houghton and family, Owin, Mr. R. D. Owin, and Mr. John Owin; Mrs. E. Thorold, Miss Thorold, and Mr. A. Thorold, Mr. Everit, N. Wheatcroft, Everard, Andrews and the Misses Andrews, Morley, Lloyd and Son, Howell; Miss Howell, Smith, Greenhill, George, Rolley, Else, Nanson, Ellen Newbold, Coles, Brann and Higgs; Messrs. J. Hickling, Hill, Smith, O. P. Smith, M. Purton, F. Tayton &c. &c. &c.
The Derby Mercury, 25 September 1844
AT MATLOCK BATH. Among the most distinguished, of our arrivals are the following:- His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, His Excellency Count Nesselrode, His Excellence the Russian Ambassador, Baron Brunow, Baroness Lebeeli, Captain Matalbot, Mr. Matalbot, Richard Cavendish, Esq., Mrs. Wm. Cavendish, the Hon Mrs. Dawson Damer and Miss Damer, Rev. James Deane, Dr. Greville, Re, Dr. Mrs. and Miss M. M. Birch, Dr. Lee, Mrs. Fisher, Mr. John Fisher, jun., Mrs. Gillott, Misses Chapman, W. Doder, Esq., G. Vincent, Esq., Mrs. Joseph Chapman, William Wright, Esq., Thomas S. Beswick, Esq., John Johnson, Esq., &c. &c.
The Derby Mercury, 2 July 1845
Captain Holmes, Rev. J. H. Bray, Rev. John Johnson, Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, Mr. William Smith and family, Mr. Thomas Diggles, jun., Mr. Thomas Mortimer Siddall, Mr. and Mrs. Piggot, Mr. Thos. Cliff, Mr. and Mrs. George Dancut, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Allen, Mr. & Miss Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Ireland and family, Mr. Musenton and Miss Hopkins, Mrs. Searle, Mr. William Thomason and family, the Misses Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Weller, Mr. Saml. Porslgek, Mr. and Mrs. Inett and family, Mr. Mrs and Miss Perran, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kenyon, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Douglas, Mr. Foster, Miss Parr, Mr. and Mrs. Sagar, Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Misses Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin, Mr. Thomas Baoff, Mr. Wallis, Miss Hall, Miss M. Foster, Mr. John Penclem, Miss and Miss S. H. Harris, Mrs. J. Sheffield and party, Mr. Charles Goodwin, Mr. and Miss Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Samuelson and party, Misses Senior, Mr. and Mrs. Masterman, Mr. and Mrs. Fagle, Mr. Lewis, &c. &c.
Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal, 21 August 1846
Recent Arrivals at Matlock Bath. -The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of York, the Misses Richardson, Mr. Joshua Walmsley, Mr. Stephenson, the Misses Paxton ; Revds. J. Overton, S. M. Richards, Henry Deck, J. and Mrs. Bickerstift, N. J. and Mrs. Ridley, R. T. Lancaster; Mr. & Mrs. Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Barnard; Robert Ramsden, Esq., and family, Mr. Williamson and family, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Graves, Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Wilcockson, Mr. and Mrs. Harding, Mrs. De Castro, Miss Burroughs, Mr. & Mrs. Andrews and Miss Cuckes, Mr. & Mrs. Robuth, Mr., Mrs. and Miss James, Mr. & Mrs. Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. White, Mr. & Mrs. John Pullin, Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Hodgson, Mr. & Mrs. Rowley and Miss Spencer, Miss Payn, Mr. D. W. Cornet, Mrs. Robert Cowen and Son, Mr. Moor, Miss Ragg, Charles Talbot, Esq., Miss Harriett Wilcockson, Mr. Vn Wart and party, Mr. Wanklyn and family, Richard H. Greenbank, Esq., Mr. Wossley, Mr. C. Richardson, Mr. F. Richardson, Mr. S. Richardson, Mr. John Mitchell, Mr. Chapman, M. Schofield, Esq., Mr. A. Lowe, Mr. Henry Gaitskell and family, Isaac Richardson, Esq., and family, Mrs. and the Misses James, Mr. Meares, Miss Burgess, Mr. Aylmer, Mr. Dudes, &c.
The Derby Mercury, 9 January 1847
Recent Arrivals at Matlock. - Prince Dondoukoff Karsakoff, Countess Waroutzoff, the Venerable Archdeacon of Derby, Sir John Smyth, Major Emsall, Captain and Mrs. Dunnicliffe, Captain Lawson, Dr. Hutchinson, Dr. and Mrs. Toogood, and Miss Jenner, Rev. Anthony Thomas, Rev. G. Munday, B. Richards, Esq., Miss Ollivant, Miss Croat, Miss Richards, Miss Green, Mr. Shaw, Mrs. and Miss Scales, Miss Walduck, Mr. and Mrs. Walkerdens and family, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Maid and party, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Howitt, Mr. and Mrs. Marton, Mr. Kensey, Mrs. Brearley, Mr. G. Bates, John Samuel Smith, Esq., and family, Mr. W. Weton, Mrs. Mosley, Miss Simons, John H. Mardsens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Osborne, Mr. E. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. Keightley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. Roberts and son, and Mr. Cook.
Derbyshire Courier, 10 July 1847
Arrivals at Matlock. -The arrivals at this flourishing watering-place are greatly increasing. Amongst the most recent are the following:-Their Royal Highnesses the Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess of Saxe Weimar, Countess Assenburg, Count de Beust, Baron de Ziegessar, Sir Robert and Lady Wilmot, Bart., Dr. Kennedy, Dr. Williams, Rev. James Dean, W. Lewis, Esq., Francis Cruso, Esq., and family, Captain French, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cuss and Miss Cuss, Mr. and Mrs. Macklin, Mrs. C. T. Cook, Mr. Rashleigh Cook, Miss Cook, Misses Leacock, Mr. Steven, Miss Anthony, Mr. Mrs. and Misses Pechell, Mr. Pechell, jun., Mr. and Mrs. Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. Adkinson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Armitage, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilton, Mrs Gappy, and Mr. C. B. and G. Gappy, Miss Chetwin, Mrs. Campbell and Miss Eliza Anthony, Mrs. and Misses Rowley, Mrs. Hewell and Miss S. N. Hewell, Mrs. Heppenstal, Mr. F. Wragge, Alfred Wragge, Esq., Miss Bright, Miss A. Parton, Miss Elizabeth Jones, Mrs. Parton, Misses Roberts, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Lister and party, Mr. Richard Allen, Mr. Rawson, Mr. Joslin (Cheltenham), Mrs. Downing, Mr. King, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Beeley, Mr. Williams, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Owen, &c. &c.
Derbyshire Courier, 1 July 1848
Week ending June 28, Major General Cooke, Albany, R.Y., United States; Joseph R. Pitcher, Esq., S. J. Loyal, Esq., and family, Captain and Mrs. Pickerel and family, and Miss Fullerton, Captain Cuppage, Capt. Dobson, Capt. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fox and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rowson and family, Miss Skinner and Mr. James Skinner, Mrs. Ross and the Misses Ross, Miss Walker and Miss Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Chettle, MIss Wheeler, Mrs. and Miss Rugg, Mrs. Housefalt and family, Mrs. Ireland and Mrs. Eastwood, Mr. Mott, Mrs. Abney, Mr. Worster, Mrs. and Miss C. Bland, Miss Cripps, Mr. and Miss Jones, Mr. Joseph Mott, Mr. Henry Lees, Mr. Dalton and Son, Mr. Wallerton and family, Sir George Brock, R.N., Lieut.-Col. amd Mrs. Euart, Rev. W. R. B. and Mrs. Athey, Rev. J. A. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. Tunnicliffe, Mr. C. E. Davis, Mr. and Miss Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell, Mr. and Mrs. Richards, the Misses Wynyards, Mrs. Lee, Miss Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. G. Simons, Miss H. Simons, Miss M. C. and B. A. Cope, Mr. and Mrs. E. Haycock, Mr. and Mrs. Slick, Mr. and Mrs. George Garnfield Glynn, Mr. T. T. B. Milne, Mr. T. Cope, Mr. C. M. Walcot, Mr. C. P. Curtis, Mr. G. W. Pratt, Mr. R. P. Pratt, Mr. C. E. Davis, &c. &c.
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 20 June 1849
RECENT ARRIVALS._Amongst the recent arrivals at Matlock Bath are Lord Sandy's Lord Hill, the Marchioness of Downshire, Lord O'Neill, &c. &c.
The Derby Mercury, 22 August 1849
Arrivals Matlock. -Earl and Countess Somers, Lord John Manners, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, Sir Compton and Lady Donwell, Sir Offley and Lady Wakeham, Bart., Sir H. Watson, Capt. and Mrs. Benthow, Rev. W. L. and Mrs. Metcalf, Rev. A. Dallas, Rev. E. Cutt, Mr. and Mrs. Welbeck, Mr. and Mrs.Dryland, Mr. Mrs, Miss and Master Johnson, Mrs. Jessop and Miss Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Watts and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Freely and family, Mr. C. Humberton and Mr. Mavines, Mrs. and Miss Sale, Mr. H. and W. sale, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mr. Evans, Mr. Johnson and family, Mr. B. Bank and family U.S.A., Mr., Mrs. and Miss Dawson, Miss Bousefield, Mrs. and Miss Jermy (Stanfield Hall), Mrs. Bracey, Mr. and Mrs. Lyne Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. R. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Rusgell, Mr. and Mrs. Fredwell, Mr. Jarquet, Mr. and Mrs. Dickens, Mr. Brearley, Miss Wood, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Holmes, Mrs. and Miss Hawksworth, Miss E. Horngate, Mr. H. Payne, R.N., Misses Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Feake, Mr. Hall, Miss Hall and Miss E. Hall, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. W. A. Smith Mrs. E. Gill, Miss E. Anthony, Miss Harding, Mr. Sandbach, Mr. and Miss Priestley, Mr. Spencer, Mr. W. Wright, Miss Wright, Mr. Dale and Mr. T. Dale, &c. &c.
Derbyshire Courier, 15 September 1849
Matlock Bath.-This favoured and favourite watering place continues to be the fashionable resort of the season; its great salubrity, besides its many attractions of scenery, comfortable hotels, and natural objects of interest, having procured for it this year a more than usual share of the patronage of the fashionable world. The railway not only contributes to swell the numbers of visitors, but short excursions on it are greatly in vogue amongst the company,_the charming scenes which it opens up always presenting new beauties to the tourist.
Arrivals at Matlock, for the week ending September 14th._
Sir Chapman Marxhall, Major Barker and Lady, Captain Hudson, R.N., Dr. and Mrs. Cogswell, Rev. W. Powell,, Rev. W. and Mrs. Gardiner, Rev. _ Ward, Rev. _ and Mrs. Griffith, Rev. R. M. Jones, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Kaye, Mr. and Miss Pickard, Mr. J. Kaye, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Miss Handen, Miss Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mr. F. Savage and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Leadam, Mrs. Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes and Family, Mr. May, Mr. Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, Miss Pares, Mrs. Rimmington, Mr. and Mrs. Bath, Mrs. Thorpe, Mrs. Brook, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson, Misses Alexander, Miss Calbut, Mr. Humbel, Mr. and Mrs. Sedman, Mr., Miss, and Master Lechmore, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Gratham, Mr. F. C. Cass, Mr. John Lenn, &c., &c., &c.
Famous 19th Century People Who Wrote About or Visited Matlock Bath.
Royal Visitors (same page).
The Matlock Bath Riot, 1863 - not all the visitors were well behaved after the coming of the railway.
Nineteenth century trade directories list many establishments where visitors could stay.
Stereoview of Matlock Bath Station, Nineteenth Century and other pages about the station (linked from the page) mention the visitors who travelled by train.

Information above researched, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.