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Matlock & Matlock Bath Names in the London Gazette
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Nineteenth Century Entries : 1871 - 1880
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London Gazette Index
18th Century
1801 - 1840
1841 - 1860
1861 - 1870
1871 - 1880
1881 - 1885
1886 - 1890
1891 - 1895
1896 - 1900
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Lists Through the Centuries
Matlock Wills
Army and Regimental Promotions, Bankruptcies, Business Partnership Changes, Civil Service Examinations, Orders of Chancery, Changes of Name, Company Liquidations, Acts of Parliament, Debtors, Honours, Inland Revenue Declarations (Banks), Property Sales, Wills
6 January 1871
Thomas WALKER, Deceased. Late of Matlock Bath, itco D, Museum Proprietor (died 9 Oct 1870). Will proved at Derby on 28 Nov 1870) by Maria Skipper WALKER of Matlock Bath Widow, Richard WALL the younger of Wirksworth, Fellmonger, and Arthur HARWARD of Wirksworth Gentleman
25 February 1871
[Union Bank of London]
CAPENHURST, Miss Jane, Mrs. UNWIN's, Matlock Dale, Matlock, Spinster, page 196
18 April 1871
Devonshire Silkstone Coal Company Limited. Winding up by the Court of Chancery presented on 12 Apr 1871 by George DRABBLE of Mountain-view, Matlock, Timber Merchant, a creditor of the said Company. Bridgeman Langdale BARROW, of Matlock Bath, itco D, Solr
16 June 1871
William CARTLEDGE of Matlock Bank. Dividend to be paid without protracting the bankruptcy
25 July 1871
James CHARLESWORTH of Matlock Bath, itco D, Draper. CC of Derby. First General Meeting of the creditors 11 August 1871
14 November 1871
William CARTLEDGE of Matlock Bank. Will apply for order of Discharge on 5 Dec 1871
5 December 1871
Thomas BAGSHAW of Matlock Bank, itpo M, itco D, Joiner and Wheelwright. First General Meeting of the creditors at Gate Inn, Matlock Bank, on 29 Dec 1871. William John NEALE, TB's Attorney
5 December 1871
Joseph CROWDER of Wellfield House, Matlock Bank. Creditors who have not proved their debts to send names before 16 Dec 1871 to William George WHEATCROFT, of Matlock, Solicitor, Trustee, page 34
12 December 1871
William CARTLEDGE of Matlock Bank. Order of Discharge granted 5 Dec
29 December 1871
WILLIAM JOHNSON of Matlock Bridge, Matlock, itco D, Ironmonger, adjudged bankrupt. First meeting of creditors 18 January 1872 at CC Offices, Derby
23 January 1782
WILLIAM JOHNSON of Matlock Bridge. Trustee appointed
6 February 1872
William SHAW, Deceased. Late of Rowsley and afterwards of Matlock, Farmer and Carriage Proprietor (died 30 May 1871). Will proved Derby by Hannah SHAW, widow, sole executrix
29 February 1872
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, National Provincial Bank, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
HOWARD, Miss Annabella Maxwell, Matlock Bank, Matlock, Derby [Supplement to London Gazette]
29 February 1872
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, Consolidated Bank Limited, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
THOMAS, William, Matlock, Gentleman [Supplement to London Gazette], page 238
8 March 1872
Obadiah WHITE, of Matlock, itco D, Blacksmith. First General Meeting of creditors at the Duke William Inn, Matlock, 30 March 1872. William John NEALE, Attorney. Derby CC
19 March 1872
Partnership between Joseph BROWN and Thomas SHARP, Builders, Carpenters and Cabinet Makers at Matlock Bridge, itpo M, itco D (Brown and Company), dissolved by mutual consent on 9 March instant
26 March 1872
Edward HILL, of Matlock, itco D, Tailor and Draper. First General Meeting of creditors at York Hotel, Derby, 15 April 1872. William John NEALE, Attorney. Derby CC
19 April 1872
Edward HILL, of Matlock. Second General Meeting of creditors, Manchester, 27 April 1872. William John NEALE, Attorney
7 May 1872
Decree of High Court of Chancery made in a cause Anne NUTTALL, Widow, and others against Charles Wakefield JACKSON and another, creditors of John NUTTALL, late of Matlock, itco D, Mason (died April 1856) to send to Mr. Benjamin Gay WILKINSON (Solr to defendants) Charles Wakefield JACKSON and George SHAW, executors of Will of deceased
4 June 1872
Luke ABBOTT, of Holloway, near Matlock, itco D, Mechanic and General Dealer. First General Meeting of creditors
21 June 1872
Will of Luke KNOWLES, Deceased. Sale of property of settled estate - at Brierley Hill, STS. On 14 June 1872, Eliza KNOWLES the Elder of Brampton, Widow, Job Knowles of Matlock Bank, Gentleman [and others, all named].
Hannah LUDLAM to be paid £700, to be invested by estate's executors
21 June 1872
Luke ABBOTT, of Holloway, near Matlock, Mechanic and General Dealer. Second General Meeting of Creditors
19 July 1872
William John NEALE of Matlock, Attorney for Debtor (WHITE of Ashover)
24 September 1872
Edward RADFORD, Esq., Deceased, late of Tansley Wood, near Matlock (died 8 August last). Will proved Derby by Childers Charles RADFORD, Edward THOMPSON and John TAYLOR, Executors on 9 September instant
25 October 1872
Sarah KNOWLES, Deceased, late of Knowleston-place, itpo Matlock, itco D, Widow (died Matlock, 11 October 1871). Will with two codicils proved Derby by Thomas Hassall ADCOCK of Haynes, BDF Farmer and Henry KNOWLES of Brook House, Matlock, Commercial Traveller, two of the Executors (29 Dec 1871)
29 November 1872
Samuel Lakey SHEPHERD, of Matlock Bank, Matlock, itco D, Grocer and Provision Dealer. First General Meeting of Creditors at Market Hall Chambers, Matlock Bridge on 12 December 1872, H.S. COWDELL, Attorney for Debtor
10 January 1873
Samuel Lakey SHEPHERD, of Matlock Bank. Trustee appointed
17 January 1873
WILLIAM JOHNSON of Matlock Bridge. Dividend intended to be declared
28 January 1873
Ann WALL of Matlock, itco D, lately a Beer House Keeper. First General Meeting of Creditors at the Thorn Tree, Matlock Bank on 17 February 1873, William John NEALE, Attorney for Debtor
14 February 1873
John CHARLTON of Matlock. Dividend Meeting 1 March next. Derby CC at Wirksworth
27 February 1873
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, National Provincial Bank, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
HOWARD, Miss Annabella Maxwell, Matlock Bank, Matlock, Derby [Supplement to London Gazette]
27 February 1873
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, Agra Bank Limited, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
ARKWRIGHT, Augustus Peter, Wellesley [sic]
Matlock, Commander R.N., M.P. [Supplement to London Gazette], page 437
1 March 1873
WILLIAM JOHNSON of Matlock Bridge. Dividend declared
25 April 1873
WILLIAM JOHNSON of Matlock Bridge. Court satisfied, bankruptcy closed
20 May 1873
John FARNSWORTH of Matlock Bank, itco D, some time since carrying on the trade of a Grocer, now out of business. First General Meeting of Creditors at office of Mr. Bridgeman Langdale BARROW, Solicitor, Matlock Bath, 28 May 1873 (BBL Attorney for JS)
11 July 1873
Ann WALL of Matlock. William Surtees LUGG, of Matlock, itco D, Grocer appointed Trustee of the property of the debtor
18 July 1873
Decree in the High Court of Chancery made in a cause John CLAY, an infant, by Francis CLAY, Matlock, itco D, Grocer and Ironmonger, his next friend and plaintiff, against Elizabeth CLAY, defendant, the creditors of John CLAY, late of Shirland, itco D, (died December 1872) tot send to Joseph George WILSON of Alfreton, plaintiff's solicitor
12 September 1873
John FARNSWORTH of Matlock Bank Creditors who have not proved their debts to send names and addresses to Trustee
4 November 1873
John SELLORS, Deceased, Gentleman of Bonsall (died 28 March 1873) Will proved Derby on 2 May by Francis HENSTOCK of Bonsall Gentleman and Robert CHADWICK of Matlock Bath. F. H. NEWBOLD, Solicitor, Matlock
9 December 1873
Decree in the High Court of Chancery in a cause of BARROW against WALKER and others, 1872. Creditors of David WALKER, of Middleton, itpo Warkworth [sic],
itco D, Victualler, deceased (died about 23 Apr 1865) send names and addresses to Bridgeman Langdale BARROW, of Matlock Bath, Solicitor for John WALKER, sole executor
13 January 1874
Partnership between George SIMONS, Henry SIMONS and John PICKARD, Paper Manufacturers at Castle Gate Nottingham and Matlock (SIMONS, Son and PICKARD), dissolved as relates to George SIMONS, who has retired. From 5 Jan 1874 debts due to and owing by to be paid by Henry SIMONS and John PICKARD on their own account
16 January 1874
Joseph BROWN and Samuel BROWN of Matlock, itco D, copartners under the name of BROWN and Son, Builders, and Joiners, Samuel BROWN also a Boarding-house Keeper. [3 notices]
1. First General Meeting of Creditors of Joseph BROWN and Samuel on 31 Jan 1874 at Offices of H. S. COWDELL, Attorney for JB and SB, Market Hall Chambers, Matlock Bridge;
2. First General Meeting of Creditors of Joseph BROWN on same date and place as (1)
3. First General Meeting of Creditors of Samuel BROWN on same date and place as (1)
3 February 1874
[Sheriffs appointed by Her Majesty in Council for the year 1874, At Court of Osborne House, IOW, 2 Feb 1874]
County of Derby. Northern Division. Augustus Peter ARKWRIGHT, Esq., of Willersley Castle, Matlock
6 February 1874
Decree in the High Court of Chancery made in a cause William John FOSTER against Courtney Spencer FOSTER, creditors of Laura FOSTER, of Crofton, Southampton and Matlock Bath, Widow (died 20 Oct 1873) send to Nicholas DONNITHORNE, of Fareham, Solicitor
20 February 1874
Joseph BROWN and Samuel BROWN of Matlock. Thomas Henry HARRISON of Derby, Accountant, appointed Trustee
28 February 1874
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, National Provincial Bank, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
HOWARD, Miss Annabella Maxwell, Matlock Bank, Matlock, Derby [Supplement to London Gazette]
28 February 1874
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, National Provincial Bank, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
STAREY, Samuel Roberts, Dethick, near Matlock, [Supplement to London Gazette], page 172
28 February 1874
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, Union Bank of London, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
STAREY, Samuel Roberts, Dethick, near Matlock, Gentleman [Supplement to London Gazette], page 268
28 February 1874
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, Consolidated Bank Limited, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
STAREY, Samuel Roberts, Dethick, near Matlock, Gentleman [Supplement to London Gazette], page 423
28 February 1874
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, Agra Bank Limited, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
ARKWRIGHT, Augustus Peter, Wellesley [sic]
Matlock, Commander R.N., M.P. [Supplement to London Gazette], page 437
6 March 1874
Smith HALL, Esq., Deceased, late of Hesketh Street, Southport (died 7 October 1873). Will proved 24 Nov 1873 by Ann HALL of Southport, Spinster, Ann HALL of Lumshill, near Matlock, Spinster and Edward Hall of Shalcross Hall, Whaley, Gentleman Executor and Executrixes
24 March 1874
Charles CURRELLY, Deceased, late of Matlock-bridge, itpo M, itco D, Draper, deceased (died 4 Jan last) proved Derby 16 Feb last by Eliza CURRELLY of Matlock-bridge, Widow, the relict, the executrix
31 March 1874
Thomas POTTER of Matlock-Bridge, itco D, Painter and Paperhanger. J.L. WYKES of Little Eaton appointed Trustee of the property of the debtor
19 June 1874
Tansley near Matlock. Freehold estates in parish to be sold, property of late Thomas TWIGG (occupied by Timothy TAYLOR, Richard BLACKWELL and John REACH) cause of BARTON v. HACKETT. Particulars at Thomas H. NEWBOLD of Matlock , Solicitor [and others]
30 June 1874
George THACKER, of Matlock, itpo D, Grocer. First general meeting of creditors at offices of Mr. H. C. COWDELL, Solicitor, Matlock-bridge on 15 July 1874
7 July 1874
George Kinder THACKER, of Matlock, Grocer and Provision Dealer. First general meeting of creditors [as above]
24 July 1874
George Kinder THACKER, of Matlock, Grocer and Provision Dealer and Wine and Spirit Merchant. Second General meeting of creditors at Mr. H. S. COWDELL's offices, Matlock Bridge, 29 July 1874
7 August 1874
George Kinder THACKER, of Matlock. Edwin HILL, of Matlock, Grocer, appointed Trustee of the property of the debtor
20 October 1874
Thomas WALL of Darley Hill-side, near Matlock, Stone Mason and Beer House Keeper. First General Meeting of creditors at the Holly Tree Beer-house, Darley-hillside, near Matlock 31 Oct 1874. Wm. Jno. NEALE, Attorney
11 December 1874
Joseph BROWN and Samuel BROWN of Matlock. Creditors who have not proved their debts to send names and addresses to Trustee
5 February 1875
William GRUNDY of Matlock-bridge, Matlock, itco D, Grocer and Provision Dealer. First General Meeting of creditors 23 Feb 1875
27 February 1875
[Consolidated Bank Limited, Person of whom the Company or Partnership exist]
THOMAS, William, Masson View, Matlock Bank, Gentleman, page 467
27 February 1875
[Agra Bank Limited, Person of whom the Company or Partnership exist]
ARKWRIGHT, Augustus Peter, Wellesley [sic]
Matlock, Commander R.N., M.P., page 479
2 March 1875
William GRUNDY of Matlock-bridge. J. L. WYKES appointed Trustee of the property of the debtor
12 March 1875
William KNOWLES, of Matlock Town, itco D, Journeyman, Joiner and Farmer. H. W. HARRISON appointed Trustee of the property of the debtor
30 March 1875
Decree in the High Court of Chancery in a cause of BARROW v. WALKER. Property to be sold - The Rising Sun, Middleton. John Else, Auctioneer, of Matlock Bridge
18 May 1875
George BARTON, Deceased, late of Matlock Bank, itpo M, itco D, Hydropathist (died 22 March 1875). Will proved Derby 10 May 1875 by Martha BARTON of Matlock Bank, Widow and George BARTON of the same Hydropathist, executrix and executor.
4 June 1875
Decree in the High Court of Chancery in a cause of HASSALL v. ADCOCK, creditors of Sarah KNOWLES, late of Knowleston-place, Matlock itco D Widow (died about October 1871)
1 October 1875
William GRUNDY of Matlock-bridge. Creditors who have not proved their debts to send names
26 February 1876
[Consolidated Bank Limited, Person of whom the Company or Partnership exist]
THOMAS, William, Masson View, Matlock Bank, Gentleman, page 487
26 February 1876
[Agra Bank Limited, Person of whom the Company or Partnership exist]
ARKWRIGHT, Augustus Peter, Wellesley [sic]
Matlock, Commander R.N., M.P., page 499
29 February 1876
Issac [sic]
NAYLOR, Deceased, formerly of Sheffield but late of Oker House, Oaker Side, no occupation (died 2 July 1875) administration to Eliza NAYLOR widow. Debts, claims and demands to Mr. B. Langdale BARROW, Matlock Bath, Solicitor for the Administratrix
18 July 1876
Joseph BROWN and Samuel BROWN of Matlock. Creditors who have not proved their debts to send their claims to the Trustee
25 July 1876
Richard Bridgeman BARROW, Esq., Deceased of Sydnope Hall, itco D (died 22 June 1876), Will with a codicil proved at the Principal Registry 15 July 1876 by Richard William BARROW and Bridgeman Langdale BARROW, executors. Persons who have debts claim or demand send to Thomas Henry LADD, of Matlock Bath, itco D, Solicitor to the Executors
31 October 1876
[To sell by Auction in the parishes of Matlock, Darley, Ashover and Hope]
At the Market Hall, Matlock Bridge, 6 Dec 1876 (all except Hope): 1. Valuable freehold (part copyhold) dairy farm - Megdale Farm - with stone built farmhouse, outbuildings, 2 cottages, orchard, meadow, arable land, and valuable reversion to a limestone quarry; 2. Substantially built family residence with stabling and coach house - Riversdale; 3. Copyhold messuage and butcher's shop, freehold and copyhold building land ...
10 November 1876
Joseph SMITH, Deceased, Gentleman, late of Cambrian Villa, Matlock, itco D (died 2 Apr last), Will with a codicil proved 1 May last at Derby by George Harry SMITH of Matlock, son, and John Richard DUDLEY, of Staveley, Spade and Shovel Manufacturer. Debts, claims or demands to solicitors for the Executors
30 January 1877
Alexander SIMS, of Matlock Moor late of Matlock Bridge now out of business, formerly Publican and Cab Proprietor. First General Meeting of creditors 12 Feb 1877
13 February 1877
Joseph BEDFORD of Sheffield, Iron and Steel Merchant and Mineral and Metal Broker, formerly carrying out business with Walter Edward LAISTER at Sheffield as Iron and Steel Merchant and Mineral and Metal Brokers (BEDFORD and LAISTER) and formerly Proprietor of a Skating Rink at Matlock Bath, itco D.
12 June 1877
Decree of High Court of Justice Chancery Division. Estate of William CHINERY, deceased, in a cause between William Henry BORLEY and others plaintiffs against William HUSTLER, defendant, the creditors of William CHINERY, late of Matlock itco D, Surgeon (died about June 1862) to send claims to Solicitor for the defendant
17 August 1877
Partnership between Thomas STEVENS, Frederick William STEVENS and Joseph STEVENS, Barytes and Colour Manufacturers, at Matlock itco D (Thos. and F. W. STEVENS and Co., dissolved by mutual consent 30 June last. Thomas STEVENS retired
14 September 1877
William ARDERN, Deceased, Draper, late of Victoria House, Rusholme, Manchester (died at Matlock House Hydropathic Establishment, Matlock Bath [sic]
8 June 1877)
28 September 1877
John HEWETT, Deceased, Public Accountant, late of 7 Birchin lane, in the city of London (died 7 Aug 1876 at Matlock Bath)
27 February 1878
[Union Bank of London, Person of whom the Company or Partnership exist]
ENGLEFIELD, Miss Eliza, Lime Tree View, Matlock Bank, DBY
27 February 1878
[Consolidated Bank Limited, Person of whom the Company or Partnership exist]
GREEN, William, Matlock Bath, Gentleman (Bracketed with Maria and James Alsop ROGERS), page 506
27 February 1878
[Agra Bank Limited, Person of whom the Company or Partnership exist]
ARKWRIGHT, Augustus Peter, Wellesley [sic]
Matlock, Commander R.N., M.P., page 736
5 March 1878
Decree of High Court of Justice Chancery Division. Estate of William CHINERY, deceased, BORLEY v. HUSTLER (claiming to be nephews and nieces living at death or born after), living at death of George Charles HEZIER (died 10 March 1876), late of Matlock, Surgeon to prove claims on or before 1 May 1878
23 April 1878
Creditors of joint estate of Walter Edward LAISTER (proprietor of Skating Rink at Matlock Bath) and Joseph BEDFORD required to prove debts
31 May 1878
Miss Hannah EVANS, Deceased, Spinster (died 30 Jan 1878) of Crakemarsh Hall, STS but late of Cliffe, nr. Macclesfield. Will proved by John EVANS of Matlock Bank, itco D, Commercial Traveller and Henry EVANS of Clifton, GLS, Insurance Agent
25 June 1878
Matlock Bridge, Matlock Bank, and Matlock Town Gas Light and Coke Company Limited. At Extraordinary General Meeting of Members at the office of Thomas Henry NEWBOLD, Matlock, 15 May 1878, Special Resolution duly passed; and at a Subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting on 5 June 1878, special Resolution confirmed:- That the Company be wound up voluntarily. Liquidator also agreed.
16 August 1878
Joseph WARNER, formerly Fish Merchant at the Fish Dock, Great Grimsby and a Pianoforte Tuner, and at 6 Weelsby Terrace, itpo Clee, afterwards carrying on business as a Fishmonger at Museum-parade, Matlock Bath [and other addresses]
First General Meeting of Creditors. CC of Lincolnshire at Great Grimsby
1 November 1878
James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for the said debtors (CHAPPELL and LOUGHTON of Fairfield)
6 December 1878
James BARTON and Thomas Cooper DRABBLE, of Stockbrook-street, Derby, Silk Throwsters and Manufacturers (business as John WINFIELD's executors). Barton resides Derby, TCD residing Matlock Bridge, itco D. First General Meeting of creditors of TCD 23 Dec 1878 [two other notices 1. for both men and 2. for BARTON]
17 January 1879
John MOORE of Matlock Bank, itco M, itpo D, Baker and Confectioner. First General Meeting of creditors, 29 Jan 1879, at the office of James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for debtor
17 January 1879
James Barton and Thomas Cooper DRABBLE. JCD business at Matlock Bridge. JB's creditors
24 January 1879
Elizabeth CONDYLYFFE, Deceased, Spinster, late of Leek, STS (died 21 Ma 1878). Will and codicils proved at the Principal Registry by [amongst others]
John SLEIGH, of Eversleigh, near Matlock, Esq.
28 January 1879
Joseph SMITH, of Moor Edge Nurseries, Tansley, Nurseryman. First General Meeting of creditors at the Red Lion Inn, Matlock Green, 10 Feb 1879. James POTTER, Solicitor for debtor
14 February 1879
Joseph SMITH, of Moor Edge Nurseries, Tansley, Nurseryman. Second General Meeting of creditors at the Red Lion Inn, Matlock Green, 24 Feb 1879. James POTTER, Solicitor for debtor
26 February 1879
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, London and Westminster Bank, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
EVANS John and EVANS Henry, Matlock Bath and 12 Melrose-place, Clifton, Bristol [Supplement to London Gazette]
26 February 1879
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, Consolidated Bank Limited, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
GREEN, William, Matlock Bath, Gentleman (Bracketed with Maria and James Alsop ROGERS), page 511
26 February 1879
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, The General Banking Company, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
COLLINSON, Charles, Matlock Bank, Gentleman, page 611
8 April 1879
Herbert ROBINSON of Two Dales, itpo Darley, itco D. First General Meeting of Creditors 25 Apr 1879 at office of Jno. W. SKIDMORE, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for debtor
8 April 1879
Herbert ROBINSON of Two Dales, itpo Darley, itco D. First General Meeting of Creditors 25 Apr 1879 at office of Jno. W. SKIDMORE, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for debtor
27 May 1879
John MOORE of Matlock Bank. Creditors who have not proved their debts to send names before 10 June to Robert WILMOT, Trustee
3 June 1879
James BURY, Deceased, Gentleman, of Riversdale, Matlock Bath, itpo M, itco D (died Riversdale 8 July 1878) Will proved at Derby by Henry Grosvenor Nicholson and Robert SMITH
1 July 1879
Anne COOPER, Deceased, Widow, late of Matlock, itco D (died Matlock 11 Feb 1879). Will proved at Derby by Annie COOPER of Chesterfield, Spinster. Jno. W. SKIDMORE, Solicitor for Executrix
18 July 1879
Decree of High Court of Justice Chancery Division. Re WOODHEAD, deceased (of Gomersal, YKS died 16 Feb 1853), Re WOODHEAD, the son, deceased. CADMAN v. CARR, 1879 ... Joseph WOODHEAD the son late of Rowsley, formerly of Matlock itco D, Woolstapler (died 6 Apr 1875)
22 July 1879
Lancashire CC at Liverpool. Liquidation. Affairs of Thomas HACKETT ... trading in copartnership with William Peters HACKETT at Tansley Mills, near Matlock ... as Smallware Manufacturers (previously traded at Tansley Mills with John HACKETT deceased) Frederick Henry COLLINSON Trustee for the debtor
5 August 1879
William Peters HACKETT of Tansley Mills, near Matlock, adjudged bankrupt. First General Meeting of creditors 18 Aug 1879 at Derby CC
19 August 1879
Affairs of Thomas HACKETT ... trading in copartnership with William Peters HACKETT at Tansley Mills. Creditors to prove debts
22 August 1879
Sale of a property at Walton, on the turnpike road from Chesterfield to Matlock
5 September 1879
William Peters HACKETT of Tansley Mills, near Matlock. Trustees appointed
14 October 1879
Proposal to Change a Ship's Name. The "Robert Lees" of Liverpool official number 45,937, gross tonnage 1,239 tons .... heretofore owned by Edwin WHITTAKER of Matlock, Derbyshire [and others]
5 December 1879
William Frederick CLIFFORD, of the Prince of Wales Hotel, at Matlock Bath, itco D, Licensed Victualler and Hotel Proprietor. First General Meeting of creditors 19 Dec 1879. James POTTER, Solicitor
19 December 1879
Partnership between Henry SIMONS and John PICKARD, Paper Manufacturers at Nottingham and Matlock Bath (SIMONS, Son and PICKARD), dissolved by mutual consent, 12 November last. Carried on as SIMONS and PICKARD by John PICKARD alone
23 December 1879
William Frederick CLIFFORD, of the Prince of Wales Hotel, at Matlock Bath. Trustee appointed
20 February 1880
Charles NEWBOLD, formerly of Matlock, itco D, Auctioneer, now of Lees, late an Auctioneer's Clerk but now out of employment. First General Meeting of creditors 5 March 1880
25 February 1880
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, London and Westminster Bank, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
EVANS, John and EVANS, Henry, Matlock Bath and 12 Melrose-place, Clifton, Bristol [Supplement to London Gazette], page 169
25 February 1880
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, Consolidated Bank Limited, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
BRIGGS, Elizabeth, Matlock Bank, Spinster [Supplement to London Gazette], page 480
25 February 1880
[Inland Revenue, Copy of Bankers Returns, Consolidated Bank Limited, Name of Firm, persons of whom the Company or Partnership Consists]
GREEN, William, Matlock Bath, Gentleman (Bracketed with Maria and James Alsop ROGERS) [Supplement to London Gazette], page 499
25 February 1880
[Agra Bank Limited, Person of whom the Company or Partnership exist]
ARKWRIGHT, Augustus Peter, Wellesley [sic]
Matlock, Commander R.N., M.P. [Supplement to London Gazette], page 514
12 March 1880
James Thomas GLOVER, Deceased, Builder, late of Castle Hill WAR. Will and two codicils proved Birmingham by [amongst other executors]
William GREEN of Matlock Bath
21 May 1880
Ecclesiastical Commissioners agreed to pay the Incumbent of Matlock Bath a yearly sum of £3 6s 8d ...
13 August 1880
Ephraim BILLAM, Deceased, Gentleman, formerly of Matlock, late of Eckington (died about 7 July 1880)
27 August 1880
Matlock Bath Hotel Company Limited. 18 Aug 1880. Ordered that the Company should be wound up
19 October 1880
Caleb BUNKER of Matlock Bath itco D, Boot and Shoe Maker, and Toy and Smallwear Dealer, trading as Thomas BARNSLEY. First General Meeting of Creditors 2 Nov 1880 at offices of Mr. James POTTER
26 October 1880
Job KNOWLES, Deceased, Farmer, late of Matlock itco D (died 22 Apr 1880). Will proved 2 June 1880 at Derby by Thomas WALTERS, John Bassett GREGORY and John GOODWIN, executors. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitors
5 November 1880
Caleb BUNKER of Matlock Bath. Second General Meeting of Creditors 15 Nov 1880 at offices of Mr. James POTTER
16 November 1880
William Frederick CLIFFORD, of the Prince of Wales Hotel. Creditors who have proved their debts to send named to Trustee
26 November 1880
[In Parliament. Session 1881]
The Matlock Waterworks Company. Various construction works including on land occupied by William LUCAS, William YOUNG (owned by Richard YOUNG). Thomas H. NEWBOLD, Matlock, Solicitor.
10 December 1880
Order of High Court of Justice Chancery Division. Estate of Thomas Marsden SMEDLEY, deceased. SMEDLEY v. HUNTER, 1876, S., No.140. Him late of Riber Castle, Matlock itco D, Esq. (died about 26 July 1875)
24 December 1880
Order of High Court of Justice Chancery Division. Estate of Thomas Abel ALCOCK, deceased, Gentleman, late of Matlock and of No.1 St. Paul's-street, Southport (died about August 1880). MORTON against GOW, Creditors of ALCOCK

Entries for 1881 - 1885 are on the next page

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