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Contributors & Acknowledgements
Thank you to everyone who has helped

Some contributions have been very substantial and some less so but without them a good deal of information would not be available. With my very grateful thanks to everyone whose name appears below.

  • Contact details for individual contributors (below) are not provided. Nor do I give out personal email addresses without seeking permission.

  • If a Library or Record Office has provided material then a link that takes you to their contact details elsewhere on the site.

  • Almost all photographs provided by others have been prepared by and enhanced for the Internet by the web mistress. Please note that most contributors are not set up to produce copies of any images they may have provided.

  • All transcripts and contributions are the copyright of the individual transcriber or contributor and their permission should be sought before further publication.
    See Copyright at the National Archives about census extracts and our own About and Conditions of Use about this website.

Sorted by Surname

Ablewhite, Di
Addis-Smith, Sonia
Allen, Peter
Andrews, Andy
Andrews, Ann Web mistress.
Argle, Neil
Ash family
Ash, Ray
Aspey, Peter who has sadly passed away.
Atkinson, Bette
Bagshaw, R
Baird, Helga
Ball, Lorraine
Bannister Publications - see Fay, Michael
Barber, Alan
Barber, Annette
Barker, Marian
Bates, David
Baxter, Sue - Archivist, Claydon House
Beardow, Keith
Beaumont, Edward
Beresford, Charles
Beresford, Margaret
Black, Jana
Boden, Jane
Bradshaw, Prunella
Brassington, Eric
Briggs, Michael
Brookfield, Phil
Brown, Stuart
Bunting, Julie
Burrell, Kirsten (nee Twiggs)
Buttivant, Carol
Buxton, Doreen
Cantor, Caroline
Chadwick, Simon
Channing, Kellie
Charlton, Christopher
Christian, Roy who has sadly passed away
Clay, David
Clay, Frank - Frank has sadly passed away but his work is still copyright protected and may not be reproduced without the permission of his heirs. Please contact the Webmistress as she is able to help with this. Also see: Frank Clay, artist elsewhere within The Andrews Pages
Clay, Judith
Cook, Peter M
Cooke, Albert John
Cooper, Judy
Curnock, Tony and Lesley
Currin, John - former Vicar of Matlock Bath
Cytko, Susy
Davidson, Ann
Davies, John
Derby Local Studies Library Go to Libraries and Record Offices for more details
Derbyshire Ancestral Research Group (DARG)
Derbyshire County Hall Local Studies Library (was Matlock LSL) Go to Libraries and Record Offices for more details
Derbyshire Family History Society
Derbyshire Federation of Women's Institutes
Derbyshire Record Office Go to Libraries and Record Offices for more details
Derbyshire Record Society, The
Dewey, Chris
Donegani, Douglas
Douglas, Jean
Drackley, Reverend John
Dunn, Frank
Durbin, Jean
Dyson, Celia
Effnert, Rita
Elliott, Deborah
Fay, Michael
Fenwick, Jo
Fitton, John
Flint, Alan
Flint, Kathleen
Flint, Stuart
Florence Nightingale Museum, London, The
Freeman Bernard
Gale, Bernard
Gaskell, Denys
Gear, Frank
Gibson, Claire
Goodwyn, Colin
Grange, Lynda
Greatorex, Brian
Hamilton, Rob
Hardy, Geoff
Hare, Peter, who has sadly passed away
Hetherington, Steve
Hill, Helen
Hill, Christine Leila
Hudson, Guy
Insall, Pat
Kelland, Rose
Kerry, Beverley S
Johnson, William
Jolley, Michael
Kettle, Paul
Kimberley, Stephen
King, Heather
Lachs, Jane
Leslie, Jane
Lill, Paul
Lockie, Rosemary
Ludlam, Stuart D.
Ludlum, Bill - have contact details
Lunt, Colin
Lynch family
Johnson, William
Jordan, Pauline
Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society - contact details are on their website
Marples, Rodney
Marsden, Brian
Marshall, Lorraine
Matlock Local History Group (Christopher Charlton)
Mawson, Valerie
McNabb, Debbie
McQuin, Pat
Merricks, Alison
Midgley, David
Millward, Tony
Mitchell family
Mitchell, Ian - formerly Vicar of All Saints'
Mitchell, Janet
Morano, Kathryn
Moore, Barrie, who has sadly passed away
Moore, Terry, who has sadly passed away
Morton, Bob & family
Neal, Ivor, who has sadly passed away
Neal, Val
Neep, Rod, who used to run Archive CD Books
Norris, Stan
Palmer, John who has passed away
Pearson, Ruth - Ruth sadly passed away some time ago but in her lifetime undertook a considerable amount of research for the Derbyshire Ancestral Research Group
Pearson, Sarah
Pek, George
PC-G Private Collector
Phelan, Jim
Photo-Ark - Helen Wilson
Platt, Joseph
Pickard, Anne
Potter, Denis
Reynard, Malcolm
Runnalds, Jim
Tim and Helen
Orton, Susan
Overton, Sybil and friends
Ramage, John
Ratcliffe, Sara
Rector of St. Giles' Church
Riden, Phillip
Rigley, Christine
Rodgers, Frank, MBE
Rowley, Martin
Salt, Harry
Sanders, Gilly
Scott, George
Searle, Michael
Sharp, David
Slaney, Lawton - see Fay, Michael
Smith, Bryan Smudger
Smith, Glenis
Smith, Grenville
Smith, Jeremy
Smith, Kenneth. Ken has unfortunately passed away but his collection still remains copyright of his heirs.
Smith, Maureen
Smith, Peter
Smith, Steve
Spencer, Michael
Steer, Jane
Stoddart, Bernice and family
Taylor, William
Thomas, Jane
Tomlinson, Mick
Tomlinson, Susan
Towler, Mel
Turner, Gillian
Undisclosed contribution
Waite, Glynn
Ward, Valerie
Ward, Pamela
Watts, John
White, Robert
Whitehead, Mark
Wigfull, Phil
Williamson, Phil
Wood, Miriam
Yates, Robin

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