Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811> This page
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The parishes and chapelries as they were just over 200 years ago. Extracts from an early Derbyshire history

Parishes E - G
From : 'History of Derbyshire' by David Peter Davies

Parishes E

[Edlaston] "Edolveston, and supposed to be Duluestune of Domesday, is a small parish of forty houses. The living is a rectory; and the church is dedicated to St. James. It is set down in the king's book, at the clear yearly value of £46. and yearly tenths, 7s 10d. The Dean of Lincoln is the patron"[1].
In the Deanery of Ashbourne.

"The manor of Echintone belonged, in William's time[2], to Ralph the son of Hubert. At which period there was a priest, but no church there. The present living is a rectory, and the church dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul. In the time of Edward I.[2] the manor of Eckington was held by J. Langford. The township of Eckington contains nearly 200 houses.
This parish includes the chapelry of Killamarsh, (Chinewoldmarese),and the hamlets of Renishaw, Trowey, Ridgeway and Mosborough, containing altogether about 621 houses."
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
The Gentleman's Magazine Library

"Aidele is a chapelry under Castleton ; it is dedicated to the Holy Trinity; and the hamlet and liberty contain about 70 houses.
Mr Bray, in his Tour mentions, that about a mile north of Nether-booth, in Edale, there was a pile of unhewn masses of stone, which he thought was a Druid's Altar ; but which have now, for several years been destroyed, for the sake of the stone. The altar was circular ; about sixty-six feet in diameter, composed of rough stones of various sizes, rudely piled together, without mortar or cement, in form of a haycock, about eighteen feet perpendicular height. The top was hollow, in the form of a basin, about four feet deep and six feet in diameter : the stone on the inside of this basin was black, and much burned, as if large fires had been often made of it.
A few years before the last mentioned Tourist visited this part, a large stone, lying on the side of a hill near Edale, was removed ; and under it were found fifteen or sixteen beads, about two inches in diameter, and about the thickness of the stem of a large tobacco pipe. One was of amber, the rest of different coloured glass. He supposes that they were amulets used by Druids.
"Among the sequestered vallies in this quarter of the country is the pleasant Edale, where, secluded in the bosom of the mountains from the bustle of the world, the inhabitants appear to enjoy all the quiet and security which pervaded the Happy Valley of Rasselas. The dale is wide and fertile, and better cultivated than most other regions in the Peak: the bottom is enlivened by a little rivulet, which flows near the village of Edale, and aids, by its motion, the operations of a cotton factory, established at a little distance. Various other dales branch off from this to an extensive tract called the Woodlands of Derbyshire, the upper part of which display some fine oak, fir and larch trees. The grounds of the Woodlands mostly belongs to the Duke of Devonshire, by whose direction the plough has been introduced, and many acres brought into cultivation." "
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.

"Ednesoure, is a small village near Chatsworth, containing together with its liberty, about ninety houses[3].The living is a vicarage, the church is dedicated to St. Peter, and the Duke of Devonshire is the patron. This church was in former times, given by Fulcher, the son of Fulcher, to the monastery of Rocester, in Staffordshire. The church contains the tomb of the first Earl of Devonshire[4], with a long Latin epitaph, expressive of his virtues and offices : a large and costly monument to Henry Cavendish,[4] the eldest son of Sir William, who was famed for his gallantries : here is also a long Latin epitaph, to the memory of one of the domestics of Mary Queen of Scots,[4] who died, while in her service, at Chatsworth"
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.
View a Magic Lantern Slide of Edensor (this will open in a new window or tab)

See Ealaston.

"At the time of the Norman survey there were at Eghintune, " a priest and a church, and one mill of five shillings and six farmers, paying fourteen shillings and four-pence." The parish is not extensive and the village, though small, is pleasant.
Near it, on the banks of the Dove, is the seat of Sir Henry Every, Bart. ...
In the year 1736, a fire consumed the greatest part of the house, in which Sir Simon Every then lived, and the present mansion was erected in its place.
It is said that Walcheline de Ferraries, and Margaret Peverel, his wife, formerly lived at Eggington."
In the Deanery of Castillar.

See Peak Forest.

"At the time of the Norman survey, there were at Helmetune, a church and a priest. Ralph de Aincurt gave it to the priory of Thurgaston, in the time of Edward III[2]. The living is a vicarage, and the church is dedicated to St. Peter. The parish of Elmton, together with the hamlet of Creswell, contains about sixty houses.
In this parish was born, in the year 1707, JEDEDIAH BUXTON, a person deserving to be recorded on account of his singular memory and powers of calculation. He was the son of a schoolmaster, who lived at Elmton; but notwithstanding the profession of his father, his education was so much neglected, that he never was taught to read or write ; and with respect to any other knowledge, but that of numbers, always seemed entirely ignorant. How he first came to know the relative proportions of numbers, and their progressive denominations, he did not remember ; but to this he applied the whole force of his mind, and upon this his attention was constantly fixed, so that he frequently was entirely regardless of external objects ; but when he did pay attention to them, it was only with respect to their numbers. If any space of time was mentioned, he soon after would say it was so many minutes : and if any length of way, he would assign the number of hair-breadths, without any question being asked, or any calculation expected by the company. When he understood a question, he began to work with amazing facility, after his own method, without the use of pen, pencil, or chalk, or even understanding the common rules of arithmetic as taught in the schools. He would stride over a piece of land, or a field, and calculate the contents of it, almost exactly, as if it had been measured by a chain. In this manner he measured the whole loership of Elmton, of some thousand acres, and gave the contents, not only in acres, roods and perches, but even in square inches. His memory was so great, that, while resolving a question, he could leave off, and resume the operation again where he had left it, the next morning, or at a week, a month, or several months, and proceed regularly until it was completed.—His memory would doubtless, have been equally retentive with respects to other objects, if he had attended to them with equal diligence; but his perpetual application to figures prevented the smallest acquisition of any other knowledge. He was sometimes asked, on his return from church, whether he remembered the text, or any part of the sermon ; but it never appeared that he brought away one sentence : his mind, upon close examination, being found to have been busied, even during divine service, in his favourite operation ; either dividing some time, or some space, into the smallest known parts, or resolving some question that had been given him as a test of his abilities.
His celebrity for extraordinary facility in making arithmetical calculations,* and solving the most difficult problems in arithmetic, by a recondite method peculiar to his own mind, attracted the notice of Sir George Saville, who had him brought to London, in 1754, when he was introduced to the Royal Society, and answered various arithmetical questions so satisfactorily, that his dismissal was accompanied by a handsome gratuity. In this visit to the metropolis, the only object of his curiosity except figures, was a sight of the King and the Royal family ; but they just being removed to Kensington, Jedediah was disappointed. During his stay in London, he was taken to see king Richard III. performed at Drury-lane; and it was expected, either that the novelty and the splendour of the show, would have fixed him in astonishment, or kept his imagination in a continued hurry ; or that his passion would, in some degree have been touched by the power of action, if he had not perfectly understood the dialogue. But, Jedediah's mind was employed in the theatre, just as it was employed in every other place. During the dance he affixed his attention upon the number of steps:—he declared after a fine piece of music, that the innumerable sounds produced by the instruments, had perplexed him beyond measure ; and he attended even to Garrick, only to count the words that he uttered, in which he said he perfectly succeeded.
Jedediah returned to the place of his birth, where, if his enjoyments were few, his wishes did not seem to be more. He applied to his daily labour, by which he subsisted, with cheerfulness ; he regretted nothing that he left behind him in London ; and it continued to be his opinion, that a slice of rusty bacon, afforded the most deligious repast. This extraordinary character, living in laborious poverty, his life was uniform and obscure. Time with respect to him, changed nothing but his age; nor did the seasons vary his employment, except that in summer, he employed a ling-hook, and in winter, a flail. He prolonged his life to the age of seventy years : he was married, and had several children. His portrait has been engraved from a correct drawing of him by Miss Hartley in 1764, at which period, according to his own calculation, he had existed 1,792,230,823 seconds."

In the Deanery of Chesterfield.

* A person once proposed to him this question :—In a body the three sides of which, are, 23,145,789 yards, 5,642,732 yards and 54,965 yards, how many cubic eighths of an inch ? In about five hours, Jedediah accurately solved this intricate problem, though in the midst of business, and surrounded by more than one hundred labourers. Even mixed company, coversation and confused noises, could not distract his mind, when intent on a problem.

Chapelry in the parish of Youlgrave in the Archdeaconry of Derby.

—"When Domesday was composed, there were "in Aelwoldestune (Alvaston) and Emboldestune (Ambaston) Torulfestune and (Thurlston) and Alewoldestune (Alveston) a priest and a church; one mill of twelve shillings, and one smith, and fifty-two acres of meadow, and an equal quantity of coppice wood."
The inhabitants of Elvaston and Ockbrook were formerly required by mutual agreement to brew four ales, and every ale of one quarter of malt, and at their own costs and charges, betwixt this and the feast of St. John the baptist next coming. And every inhabitant of Ockbrook shall be at the several ales, and every husband and his wife were to pay two-pence, every cottager one penny, and all the inhabitants of the said towns of Elvaston, Thurlaston and Ambaston shall have and receive all the profits and advantages, coming of the said ales, and every one of them, he inhabitants shall come and pay as before rehearsed, who if he be away at one ale to pay at t'oder ale for both, or else to send his money. And all the inhabitants of Ockbrook shall carry all manner of tymber, being in the Dale wood now felled, that the said priest chyrch of the said towns of Elvaston, Thurlaston and Ambaston shall occupy to the said use of the said church*."

* "Inter. MSS. Dodsworth in Bib. Bod. vol.158 p.97.—This appears to be the ancient method of paying money for the repair of country churches."
Elvaston is the seat of Stanhope, Earl of Harrington, and has long been the residence of that family; though neither the situation nor the house have any particular beauty. The gardens and grounds are laid out in the ancient manner ; but some of the apartments in the mansion have been fitted up by the present Lord, in the modern style. Several family portraits, and a few other paintings of value, are preserved here.

WALTER BLUNT, who was raised by Edward IV[2] to the dignity of Baron of Mountjoy, was born at this place: he, as well as many of his descendants, was eminent for learning. From the family of the Blunts, the estate some time before reign of Henry VIII [before 1509] passed to the Poles of Radburne: but about the end of the same reign it came to the possession of the Stanhopes. William Stanhope, the first Earl of Harrington, was a person of distinguished abilities ; and in early life was appointed envoy extraordinary to the Court of Spain. On the accession of George the first, he had been made Colonel of the reigiment of dragoons : and in 1719 headed a detachment to assist the English squadrons, in the attack made on the enemy's ships in Port St. Anthony. His conduct greatly contributed to the success of the expedition ; for when the boats approached the shore, he was the first who leaped into the water ; and the destruction of three men of war, and a very large quantity of naval stores, was chiefly effected through his contrivance and courage. By George the Second, he was nominated ambassador and pleniopotentiary to the Congrress of Soinssons ; and in 1729 advanced to the dignity of a British Peer, by the titile of Lord Harrington of Harrington, in the county of Northampton. In the year 1742 he was created Viscount Petersham, in the county of Surry, and Earl of Harrington, and having filled some intermediate officed, was in November 1746, made Lord Lieutenant-General, and Governor-General of the kingdom of Ireland. In 1747, he was constituted general of his Majesty's foot-forces, and in 1751, was succeeded by the Duke of Dorset as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. He died in the year 1756. The life of William, the second Earl, offers nothing particularly remarkable : that of Charles, the third and present Earl, abounds with vicissitudes, and splendid actions ; to display which, with their various connecting circumstances, will occupy the pen of some future biographer."

In the Deanery of Derby.

Elvaston Castle, 1880 - lovely print from a book, with associated text

"There were at Etewelle, in the Conqueror's time[2], a priest and a church. John of Gaunt, granted a licence to Sir William Finchenden, Knt, and Richard de Ravenser, archdeacon of Lincoln, to give the manor of Etwall, to Beauvale priory, to pray for the soul of the said William while he lived, and the souls of him and his wife after their deaths. The church at Etwall was once part of the priory at Welbeck: It was given in the reign of king Stephen[2], by Thomas Cukeney, who was the founder of this religious house.
... Sir John Port, who endowed the school at that place [Repton], lived at Etwall. In the reign of Queen Mary, (about the year 1557) he left lands for the erection and endowment of an hospital at this place. It was at first built for the reception of six persons only ; but in consequence of the increased value of the lands, it has been considerably enlarged. It was taken down and rebuilt, in the year 1680, upon such a plan that it will now accommodate sixteen persons : it now consists of sixteen distinct dwellings. The government of this hospital is vested in the same persons, as that of Repton school.
At Etwall is the seat of Rowland Cotton, Esq. who is descended from an ancient and respectable family. His father represented the town of Newcastle in parliament, and died in the year 1733.
The parish of Etwall contains the hamlets of Burnaston (Bernulfstune), and Barrowcoat (Beruerdescote)."

In the Deanery of Castillar.

"a small village and parish, containing about one hundred and ten houses and nine hundred and thirty inhabitants. The living is a rectory, and the church is dedicated to St. Helen.
This parish includes the hamlets of Fowlow, Grindlow and Grindleford, containing, together with the Woodlands, about 112 houses.
About 140 years ago, Eyam was greatly depopulated by the plague: it appears in the register that, between the seventh of September 1665 and the beginning of September 1666, there were two hundred and sixty burials[5].
In the lead mines at Eyam Edge the percussions of the earthquake which destroyed Lisbon on the first of November 1755 were very distinctly felt; the soil from the joints, or fissures of the rocks, and violent explosions, as if of canon, were heard by the workmen. In a drift about 120 yards deep, and above 50 yards from one end to the other, several shocks were felt by the miners; and after each, a loud rumbling was heard in the bowels of the earth. The interval between the shocks was about four or five minutes : the second was so violent, as to cause the rocks to grind one upon another."
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.
There is a picture of Eyam

Parishes F

"is also a chapelry in the parish of Hope, though situated near Buxton. The church is dedicated to St. Peter, and is a tolerably good edifice. The village is straggling and small; containing no more than sixty-three houses, and about 280 inhabitants."
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.

"in Domesday called Benedlege, is a parish of about thirty houses and one hundred and forty inhabitants. The living is a rectory; the church is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen[6]; and the Dean of Lincoln is the patron. Towards the end of the fifteenth century, Fenny Bently was the residence of the Beresfords, of which the Marquis of Waterford is a junior branch. The family came originally from Beresford in Staffordshire, and settled here about the reign of Henry the Sixth[2]; when a Thomas Beresford Esq. is said to have mustered a troop of horse in Chesterfield, consisting of his sons, and his, and their servants, for the service of the king in the French wars.- He lies buried in the chancel of the church, with a Latin, and an English inscription on his tomb ; from which it appears he dies in 1473. The ancient Manor-House, of which the little that is left, retains, somewhat of castellated appearance, passed by an heir general, into the family of Cotton, of Beresford ; but the male heir, of Thomas Beresford, still posseses some landed property here. Bentley church contains several monuments of the Beresfords."
In the Deanery of Ashbourne.

"are connected with Mickle-over. It is said in Domesday "three berewicks belong thereto: Parua Ufre (Little-over), Findre (Findern) and Potlac (Potlock)", but there are only two now. The living at Findern is a donative curacy. The Presbyterians also have a place of worship here. The Chapel at Little-over is also a donative curacy, connected with the church at Mickle-over."
In the Deanery of Derby.

"The villages of Flagg, Blackwall, Cowdale and Staden, contain altogether about fifty houses, and two hundred and forty inhabitants."
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.

See Fowlow and Eyam.

"by the Norman surveyors written Forenewerche, is a parish including the hamlet of Ingleby or Englebi which contains about thirty houses. The living is a donative curacy ; the church, which was built and endowed by Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. and consecrated by Bishop Haskett, in the year 1662, is dedicated to St. Savior, and belonged in former times to the Priory of Gresley. Sir Francis Burdett is the patron.
Foremark, in this parish, is the seat of Sir F. Burdett, Bart., one of the present representatives of the city of Westminster. The mansion, which is pleasantly situate on the southern banks of the Trent, was built about fifty years ago, by the late Sir Robert Burdett, on the site of an ancient one, belonging to the family. The present house is a handsome stone building, with a portico projecting from the North front, which is in other respects uniform with the South, consisting of a square centre, flanked with bow, terminating in dome roofs, which have a rather heavy appearance. Each front has an elegant flight of steps.
[There is more about Foremark Hall, but is not included.]
"At the distance of somewhat more than a quarter of a mile from Foremark, in a north-east direction, is a singular rocky bank, which terminates abruptly above the extensive meadows on the margin of the Trent. .... It constitutes a very curious piece of scenery ... Its centre where the rock projects ... presents the appearance of a Gothic ruin ... several excavations or cells" and "a doorway rudely fashioned out of the rock." "It has derived the name of Anchor Church" as an Anchorite is supposed to have resided there."
"Knowle Hills, a beautiful and retired spot, surrounded by fine woods, and plantations of oak and beech, is situated a little to the south-east of Foremark. Here, at the entrance of a narrow dell, once stood a pleasant house, built by Walter Burdett, younger son of the first possessor of Foremark, to whom it was bequeathed by his father." ... [There is more about the house, but is not included.]
In the Deanery of Repington.

"At Foston, which is supposed to be the Farulueston of Domesday, was born, in the year 1540, "Arthur Agard, forty-five years Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer, who died in 1651. Mr. Camden calls him Antiquarius insignis. Walter Achard, or Agard, claimed to hold by inheritance, the office of Escheator and Coroner of the whole Honor of Tutbury, in the county of Stafford, and of the Balliwick of Leyke, for which he produced no other evidence, than a white hunting horn, adorned with silver gilt in the middle, and at each end with a belt of black silk, set with silver gilt buckles, and the arms of Edmund, second son of Henry III. This horn is now in the possession of Mr. Foxlowe, of Staveley, in this county, who enjoys the posts of Feodary, or Bailiff-in-Fee, Escheator, Coroner, and Clerk of the Market of Tutbury Honor, by this tenure, and by virtue of his being in possession of this Horn,which he purchased of Christopher Stanhope, of Elvaston, Esq. into whose, family it came by a marriage with the heiress of Agard. The arms, as represented by Mr. Pegge, are really those of the House of Lancaster, impaling Ferrars of Tamworth, who probably held those offices before Agard; for Nicholas Agard of Tutbury, who was living in, 1569, married Elizabeth, daughter and co-heiress of Roger Ferrars, eleventh son of Sir Thomas Ferrars of Tamworth."
In the Deanery of Derby.
[Also see Scrapton]

Hamlet in the parish of Eyam and Archdeaconry of Derby. See Eyam.

See Crich.

See Baslow.

Parishes G

See Charlesworth.

"anciently Glapewelle is a hamlet in the parish of Bolsover, containing about twenty houses. Here also, the seat of Sir Brabazon Hallows, Esq."
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.

"is a parish which comprehends a large tract of country in the north-west extremity of the High Peak. The village is small, and situated on a rising bank, surrounded by a deep valley. The inhabitants are principally employed in spinning and weaving cotton; several factories being established in the adjacent parts. The church, which is an ancient building, is dedicated to All Saints, and the Duke of Norfolk is the patron. It was given by Henry the Second to the Abbey of Basingwark, in the county of Flint. Within it is a neat marble tablet, with an inscription to the memory of Joseph Hague, Esq. of Park.Hall, near Hayfield, who acquired considerable property by persevering industry; and bequeathed the annual interest of £1000. for ever, towards clothing twenty-four poor men and women, out of eight townships of Glossop-Dale: above the tablet is a fine marble bust of Mr. Hague, executed by Bacon.
The parish of Glossop is the most northern in the county of Derby, and its description, completes the plan of the present work" [this final comment appears at the very end of the book][7].
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.

In the parish of Wirksworth. See Middleton [by Wirksworth].
In the Deanery of Ashbourne.

A hamlet in the parish of Youlgrave. See Youlgrave.

"Langesdune is a chapelry [in the parish of Bakewell], containing about 80 houses; the church is dedicated to St. Giles.
Little Longstone, an adjoining hamlet, contains about 25 houses."
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.

A hamlet in the parish of Bakewell. "Great Rowsley [contains] about thirty" houses. The inhabitants "derive their support chiefly from agriculture."
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.
Rowsley - Kelly's 1891 Directory

"is an extensive parish, containing the hamlets of Church Gresley, Castle Gresley, Swadlincoat (Siuardingescote), Linton (Linctune), and Drakelow (Drachelawe). The living is a donative curacy, and its clear value is £6.
There was formerly in Church Gresley, a Priory belonging to the Order of St. Austin, which was founded by William, son of Nigel de Gresley, in the reign of Henry the First, and dedicated to St. Mary and St. George. In the third year of Edward II. a patent was granted, for appropriating the church of Lullington to it; and in the thirty-seventh of the following reign it was endowed with tenements at Heathcote, Swardingcote, and Church Gresley; and in the third year of Henry VI. certain lands in Okethorp, and Dunthorp, were given to this religious house[2]. At the Dissolution, its revenues, were, according to Dugdale, £31 6s. In the thirty-fifth year of Henry VIII. it was granted to Henry Cruche[2]. A small part of its ruins was lately remaining.
In the church is a monument to the memory of Sir Thomas Gresley, who was Sheriff of the county of Derby in the year 1662: he died in 1669; and is represented on the tomb in kneeling posture, clad in the dress of his time. There is also, near this, another monument, the memory of the Alleynes, who were buried in this church, and who once were possessed a part of the manor. It appears from long inscription, containing the genealogical account of the family from the time of Henry VIII. to the commencement of the last century that the Alleynes of Gresley, were descended from Sir John Alleyne, knight, who was the Lord Mayor of London, and Privy Counsellor to the above monarch.
The hamlet of Castle Gresley, derives its name from a castle, having been erected here by the Lords of Gresley. Camden says, that in his time " Greisley Castle was a mere ruin;" and now, scarcely any traces of this ancient fortress can be found ; the irregularity of the ground, alone marking out the spot where it stood.
At Drakelow is the seat of Sir Nigel Bowyer Gresley, the present head of the family of that name. The pedigree of the Gresleys is traced back to very ancient times; and they are said to have sprung from Malahulcius, whose brother was an ancestor of William the Conqueror. From him was descended, Roger de Toeni, standard-bearer of Normandy; whose two sons, Robert and Nigel, accompanied the Conqueror into England : and from the general survey made in 1079 it appears that Robert possessed 150 Lordships, of which Stafford, the place of his residence, was one. In Domesday book, Drakelow, is set down among the lands belonging to Nigel de Stafford. At what period the family assumed the name of Gresley is uncertain ; but it is supposed to have been prior to the year 1200, for William de Gresley at that time held the manor of Drakelow, in capite, by the service of finding a bow without a string, one quiver of Tutesbit, and thirteen arrows ; twelve fledged, or feathered, and one unfeathered. The present Sir N. B. Gresley,was Sheriff for Derbyshire in the year 1780; and some of his ancestors, have represented the county of Derby in Parliament.
The residence of Sir N. B. Gresley at Drakelow, is situated rather low; but upon the whole it is a pleasant situation, surrounded by the luxuriant meadows bordering the Trent, opposite Staffordshire. The house is a large irregular pile, of brick building, whitened over, but not presenting any thing remarkable."
In the Deanery of Repington.

Hamlet in the parish of Eyam and Archdeaconry of Derby. See Eyam.

Hamlet in the parish of Eyam and Archdeaconry of Derby. See Eyam.

Notes on the above:

[1] Not mentioned by Davies but the Lysons record Wyaston as a township within the parish of Edlaston.

[2] William reigned 1066-1087; Stephen reigned 1135-1154; Edward I reigned 1272-1307; Edward II reigned 1307 - 1327; Edward III reigned 1327-1377; Henry IV reigned 1399-1413; Henry VI reigned 1422-1461 + 1470-1471; Edward IV reigned 1461-1483; Henry VIII reigned 1509-1547.

[3] In 1839 the village of Edensor was moved to its present location as the 6th Duke of Devonshire wished it to be out of sight of Chatsworth.

[4] The Earl of Devonshire d.1625; Henry Cavendish d. 1616; the servant was John Beton who d. at Chatsworth 1570

[5]The full story of this tragedy is not recorded here. For more information see The Plague Cottages, Eyam elsewhere within this web site.

[6] Over the years, Fenny Bentley's church has been dedicated to both St. Mary Magdalene and to St. Edmund, King and Martyr, the name by which it is known today. As later as 1873 Fr. Redfern, author of The History of Uttoxeter, wrote that "A chantry was founded in St. Mary Magdalene's Church, Bentley, by the Berisford family ..." (The Derby Mercury, 29 January, 1873). A few years later J. C. Cox, writing in his Churches (1877), says that although the church was the supposed to be dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, a chantry was founded to St. Edmund; it was this that caused Cox to believe that it was inconceivable that Beresford, who founded the chantry, got the church name wrong when dedicating the parish church. Of course, Beresford just could have made two different dedications, but we will probably never know. Cox suggested that a rededication to St. Mary Magdalene might have happened in the distant past, perhaps when the church was rebuilt or repaired, but he had found no ancient record. The name changed to St. Edmund around the time Cox's book was published and was given as that in Kelly's Directory of 1881.Both names are often quoted for this church. The older registers would have been for St. Mary Magdalene whereas the registers from around 1877 onwards would be for St. Edmund's.

[7] Though not mentioned by Davies, according to the Lysons the parish of Glossop's population increased from 8,873 to 10,797 between 1801 and 1811. The parish was made up of the township of Glossop, "including the vills or hamlets of Hadfield, Padfield, Whitfield, Chunall, Dinting, Simondley and Charlesworth" as well as "the parochial chapelries of Hayfield and Mellor." Only Charlesworth, Hayfield and Mellor are mentioned by Davies.

Davies' book
An Ann Andrews book transcript