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Youlgreave, Derbyshire
19th Century Derbyshire Directory Transcripts
From: Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland
pub. London (May, 1891) - pp.336-7
Kelly's Directory, 1891
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YOULGRAVE, anciently, "Giolgrave," is a parish, 5 miles south from Bakewell, 4 from Rowsley station on the Ambergate and Manchester section of the Midland railway, and 157 from London, in the Western division of the county, hundred of High Peak, petty sessional division, union and county court district of Bakewell, rural deanery of Bakewell, archdeaconry of Derby and diocese of Southwell. The rivers Bradford and Lathkill flow through the parish uniting at Alport. The water supply for the inhabitants of the parish is derived from springs rising in Blackley wood. The church of All Saints, a building in mixed styles, from the Norman work of the 12th century down to the debased alterations of the 15th, consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a massive and lofty embattled tower with pinnacles, containing 8 bells recast, with additions from the former peal of 5, and hung at Easter, 1870, at the cost of Mr. and Mrs. Thornhill, of Stanton Hall : of the Early Norman church, probably erected between the years 1130 and 1150, the circular Norman piers supporting the arcades of both aisles remain ; the arches on the south side are Norman, built on the north Decorated : the south aisle, widened late in the 13th century, has three Early English windows ; the south doorway porch and one in the north aisle are also of this date ; the chancel arch is Decorated, but the chancel itself appears to have been rebuilt throughout in the Perpendicular period, when various windows were inserted in other parts at the building, the nave lengthened westward, the tower erected and the whole church new roofed, the total interior length being, with these alterations, 125 feet : in the east wall or the north aisle are the mutilated remains of a piscina ; another, square-headed, remains in the south aisle, removed from the chancel in 1869 : close to the western pier in the north wall of the nave is a niche containing a draped figure carved in stone: the font, dating from c. 1150-1200, consists of a basin of porous red sandstone, with a small projecting stoup cut from the same block and held, as it were, in the jaws or a dragon, sculptured in relief on the side of the basin, which is supported on a circular base, with four surrounding circular shafts on moulded bases : the most ancient monument in the church is the stone effigy of a cross-legged knight, holding a heart in his clasped hands and girt with a cross-hilted sword ; it is now placed on a substantial stone base against the north wall of the chancel, and is supposed to represent Sir John Rossington, of Rossington, near Doncaster; more exquisite, as a monument, is a small altar tomb of alabaster, 3½ feet only in length, on which is the figure of a man in armour, finely and skilfully carved, with his head resting upon a helmet and wearing round his neck a Yorkist collar of suns and roses ; this effigy represents Thomas Cokayne, who died 1488 ; and was carefully restored and the tomb adorned with emblazoned shields in 1873 by the present representatives of the family : in the north aisle is a remarkable mural monument with twenty-one small figures carved in relief and a marginal inscription to Robert Gilbert, of Youlgreave, and Joan his wife (1492), and recording the erection, by him, or a screen round the east end of the south aisle, where is now a small brass, with effigy, to Fridswide Gilbert (1620) : in the north aisle is a monument, once richly coloured, with kneeling figures, of Roger Rowe, of Alport, in this parish, and his wife, and an inscription, dated 1613 ; and in the tower is an inscribed stone to Raphael Bradbury, of Youlgreave (1685) : the east window has been filled with stained glass from a very fine design by Mr. Burne Jones : in 1869-70 the church was admirably restored under the direction of R. Norman Shaw esq. R.A. involving the insertion or several new windows, new benches, flooring &c. at a cost of £4,650 : there are 500 sittings : south of the church remain the steps or an old cross, with its base, now supporting a sundial. The registers date from the year 1558 for all entries, and are for the most part in excellent preservation. The churchwardens' accounts are exceptionally perfect for a long period, beginning in 1604 and continuing to 1755, and from 1722 to 1786 : the constables accounts extend from 1702 to 1829, and those of the overseers from 1713 to 1754 : there are besides many other parochial documents classified and bound in separate volumes. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £210, including 71 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Duke of Devonshire, and held since 1871 by the Rev. Richard Clarke Roy M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. There are Wesleyan, Primitive Methodist, Reformed Wesleyan and Congregational chapels, with schools attached. In the year 1857 a reading room was erected by subscription at a cost or £220, on a site given by the late W. P. Thornhill esq. for the gratuitous use of the members of the Literary Society. The charities, respectively left by the Rev. Francis Gisborne, sometime rector of Staveley, and Messrs. Hancock and Roberts, amount to £12 yearly. The Duke of Rutland G.C.B., P.C. is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are the Duke of Devonshire K.G. the Duke of Rutland, Thomas William Bateman esq. of Middleton Hall and Major Michael McCreagh-Thornhill, of Stanton-in-the-Peak. The soil is light limestone ; subsoil, shale and stone beds. The crops are chiefly pasturage. The acreage of the township is 2,398 ; rateable value, £3,479 ; the population in 1881 was 1,105, and of the parish 1,361.

Middleton, with SMERRIL, forms a township in the parish of Youlgrave, a mile and a half south-west from Youlgrave, in the hundred of Wirksworth. The village is supplied with water from the Bradford spring, the water being pumped up to a reservoir and led to the village in pipes ; the works were constructed by T. W. Bateman esq. Middleton Hall is the seat of Thomas William Bateman esq. who is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The late T. Bateman esq. pursued for a considerable time the investigation of the antiquities of the county, and formed a large museum, now lent to the Weston Park Museum, Sheffield. Here are Primitive Methodist and Congregational chapels, erected in 1826 by the late Thomas Bateman esq. who, together with his wife, was interred at the back of the Congregational chapel. In this parish is a perfect Druidical circle, known as "Arbor Low," 150 feet in diameter and formed of a number of immense stones, now lying flat, and in the centre are masses of stone, perhaps originally forming a cromlech; the circle is surrounded by a fosse 18 feet wide and a rampart 6 or 8 yards in height from the inner base : there are north and south entrances, and about 300 yards distant and connected with the circle by a continuous earth bank, is a sepulchre mound, called "Gib Hill," which has been examined : here are also many barrows, in which Celtic antiquities have been discovered. The acreage is 2,956 ; rateable value, £2,660 ; in 1881 the population was 218.
Parish Clerk, John Garratt.

POST, M. O. & T. O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. -William Teasdale, postmaster. Letters arrive from Bakewell at 9 a.m.; box closes at 5.55 p.m. ; no delivery or collection on sunday

WALL LETTER BOXES :-Alport, closes at 6.5 p.m.; Coldwell End, closes 5.45 p.m.; Middleton, 5.35 p.m

Church of England (mixed), erected in 1861, for 300 children; average attendance, 174 ; Eli Throp, master ; Mrs. Lavinia Throp, mistress
Parochial (mixed), Middleton, built in 1882 by the late Thomas Bateman esq. for 60 children; average attendance, 28 Frederic Thompsett, master

Allwood Miss
Bowman Miss
Goward Rev. Charles [Congregational]
Greenhough Vernon John B.A., M.B
Knowles Miss
Roy Rev. Richard Clarke M.A. Vicarage
Walker Alfred, The Cottage
Walker Thomas, Lomberdale hall


Bentley Thomas, Bull's Head P.H.
Billinge Edwin, shoe maker
Birds Thomas, timber dealer & farmer
Birds Thomas, jun. farmer
Bonsall Jesse, farmer, Calling low
Botham George, tailor
Botham John, tailor
Buxton John, sewing machine agent
Coates Thomas, farmer
Cook Joseph, joiner & builder
Dakin Sarah (Mrs.) & Sons, farmers, Moorstone
Dale Matthew, farmer, Conksbury
Evans Edwin, joiner & wheelwright
Evans Francis, shoe maker
Evans James, Prudential insurance agt
Frost George, wheelwright & smith
Garratt George, farmer
Garratt Henry, farmer, Millfield
Garratt William, Alport hotel
Greenhough Vernon John M.B. & C.M. Edin., B.A. Camb. surgeon
Hadfield George, butcher & farmer
Holland Margaret (Mrs.), butcher
Kenworthy Jas. farmer & wheelwright
Kenworthy Thomas, Thornhill Arms P.H. & farmer
Long Rake Lead & Spar Mining Co. Lim
Mawston Mining Go. Limited (William Bowman, manager)
Rowland Benjamin, brazier
Rowland Benjamin, George inn
Rowland George, farmer, Conksbury
Rowland Hannah (Mrs.),Farm Yard P.H
Rowland James, brazier
Shimwell Wm. & Son, monumntl. msns
Shimwell Ezra, farmer & shopkeeper
Shimwell Henry, watch & clock maker
Slaney Horatio, grocer
Slaney Thomas, wheelwright
Slaney William, grocer
Teasdale Wm. draper & grocer, Post office
Thompson David, shopkeeper
Toft Albert, inspector of nuisances for Bakewell rural sanitary district & highway surveyor for district roads
Toft Eli, blacksmith
Toft John Milton, relieving officer for south district, Bakewell union
Toft George & William, masons
Wallwin Geo. frmr. Meadows Place farm
Youlgrave Industrial & Co-operative Society Limited, & agents for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants (George FowIer, manager)


Bateman Thos. William, Middleton hall
Parke Mrs. Rock cottage


Birds Arthur, farmer, Smerril
Bunting Joseph, blacksmith
Grindy John, farmer, Oldhams
Heywood Abraham, farmer
Marsden Anthony, Bateman's Arms P.H
Needham William, farmer
Parker Henry, agent to T. W. Bateman esq. Kenslow farm
Prime Daniel, farmer & clock cleaner
Pursglove Joseph & Henry, farmer
Pursglove John, farmer, Woodside
Pursglove John, jun. farmer
Pursglove William, farmer
Titterton John Thomas & Wm. (Bros.), farmers, Dale farm
Wain William, farmer
Warrilow John, farmer, Green croft

[End of transcript. Spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.]

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An Ann Andrews historical directory transcript

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Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
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Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills